•The Final Battle•

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There he was. Just standing there, as his hair blew in the breeze. He looked perfect. The way the setting sun hit his tan skin, looking as though he was glowing....

But that was a long time ago...

Tord was in the middle of signing some important papers, when his husband and daughter came though the door.

"Daddy!" She squealed with delight at the sight of him. She ran over and jumped into his arms. He happily hugged her tightly, making his lover smile. He made his way over to his husband and daughter, kissing his husband's forehead.

"Morning, baby." Tom smiled as Tord kissed him.

"Good morning, Kattunge~" He said as his daughter bounced down off his lap and ran over to her basket of toys. "What are you doing up? I thought I told you to sleep in?" He asked as he continued his paper work.

"You know I never sleep in." His lover smirked, making him chuckle. "My question is to why Your not sleeping in~" His look turning more serious.

Tord sighed as he turned back to he black eyed lover. "Babe, you know how the army is.. I can't just randomly take days off." He sighed, as his lover just glared.

"Tord, please? Your missing out in being in your daughter's life. She wants to hang out with you.." His husband looking on the verge of tears, Tord stood up and hugged his lover.

"Okay.. I guess the army can wait a little while." Tom looked up smiling.

"Thank you, hun." He kissed his workaholic lover.

That afternoon they spent time together as a family. But that was soon interrupted by utter chaos.

Everything was black. He could hear the sounds of muffled voices and shouting. Tord shot up. He looked around seeing some of his soldiers surrounding him.

"Sir! Are you okay?!" One of them helped him up to his feet.

"Where's Thomas and Tamori?" He looked at the soldiers with worry.

"I'm sorry, Sir. But we don't know where they are." The soldier said with a sympathetic expression. Another loud explosion goes off.

He looks around seeing a war zone. Black army, Pink army, White army and his army soldiers. All against one another, going to war. Killing each other left and right.

"Who sent out the order to fight?" Tord would be furious if he wasn't so focus on looking for his lover and child.

"No one, Sir. They attacked us." Another soldier reported. He grabbed a gun off of a dead corpse, and started walking towards the battle.

"Status?" He asked fully focused and serious.

"No one is winning at the moment, but the rebellion, green army, has yet to show up. White and Pink seem to be falling quickly that only leave the Black army to be dealt with." A soldier reports as they follow him.

He reloads the gun's chamber and cocks it ready to fire. "Alright 3 of you come with me. The other 3, look for my husband and daughter. Let's go." Just as that, they took off into battle, while the others look high and low yet still no signs.


It was only a few hours later, The Pink and White army had fallen completely. The only two left was The Red army and The Black army.

"Give it up, Red! Your out numbered!" Blake, Black Leader, yelled from his army.

"Ha! And why would I do that. A few soldiers never stopped me!" He laughed at Blake.

"So be it! Attack!" He yelled. Just like that the war had started again. Gun shots being fired, soldier falling left and right. It was an event of man slaughter.

The soldiers that where sent off to look for Tord's husband and daughter had returned. They looked through the crowd for their leader, finally spotting him. They slid down the dirt hill running towards him. He notices them and meet them half way.

"What's the status? Where are they?!" He asked.

"Sir. I'm sorry..."

Just like that Tord's world fell apart. He felt as though he couldn't move. The sounds around him faded. "T-They can't be.." Tears were threatening to fall...


Something hit him, straight in the heart. He fell to his knees. Then his vision faded to black. There was no sounds to be heard, nothing to see. Only his same last thought was repeated, 'They're gone'.

Then he took his last breath.

HEY!! I'm back!! YAY! <3 Sorry for coming back with a depressing story. ;-; Did you guys like it? Part 2?..

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