An issue that needs to be addressed

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I know I haven't updated a story in ages but I need to address a matter that I am very enthusiastic about.

Before I say anything, I wanted to say, right now, I have no hope for the future or even the near future.

Global warming.

You may be thinking, why am I talkin about global warming?

I am taking about this because it is happening. It has been happening since we, the first humans on earth (no I'm not talking about Adam and Eve because I fully believe that they were not the first people on earth, if you wanna know why, wait until the end of the chapter.) we have been changing the atmosphere since the dawn of humanity.

Us humans, are the cause of global warming and I don't think it is being as well received as much as it should be.

I get that it's a hard topic to understand but I've been doing geography for four years and I've only learnt so much about global warming for the past two years. I started learning about this in year nine. (I don't know what grade that is for you non-British people, forgive me) I'm starting my last year of secondary school tomorrow, year eleven.

I have a damn good understanding of global warming and climate change and I have my own views on this topic. I've grasped the concept and I've come up with my own opinions. You are free to disagree and ask questions for anything you don't understand, I will answer and argue to the best of my ability.

First off, if I offend anyone, I deeply apologise and you are free to have your own opinions.

Secondly, as I said before, these are just facts and my opinions that I have come up myself.

Thirdly, I'm using my knowledge. Trust me when I say I have no books or anything to enhance anything I say.

Lastly, if you take the time to read everything about this, thank you. At least some people take the time to read about the world and how it's changing.

Alright. Get ready for a long arse rant about global warming.

Okay, you've heard of the giant rainforest burning, right? Well, I'm not lying when I say that this forest is the largest forest we have. It's the Amazon rainforest located in Brazil. This forest has been our largest source for oxygen, producing 60% of it. Granted, it is pretty much our only source of oxygen and we only have that 60% of oxygen left in the entire world.

It has been burning for four weeks and it annoys me to the ends of the world that no one is physically doing anything to help stop the fire. This forest is home to many animals and plants. Some of which remain undiscovered, now I believe that having these flora and fauna undiscovered is a good thing, but having them die to a major forest fire is a horrible thing.

Do you know the cause? No? Let me tell you. Tribes that reside in the rainforest set trees alight to make unwanted guests, people who want to expose these tribes, leave. But how does this cause global warming? The fumes that the burning trees are emitting are pretty dangerous. They contain gases that ultimately destroy the ozone layer.

The ozone layer is an invisible shield that protects the earth by absorbing the suns rays. This creates protection from the sun itself, trapping the heat we need and leaving the rest of the harmful radiation out of the layer.

How are the fumes destroying the ozone layer? The gases in the fumes are harmful, not only to us but to the environment, and in this case, the ozone layer. We class these gases as the greenhouse gases and the greenhouse gas effect what it does. They break away the ozone layer leaving the earth exposed to the sun. This means hotter rays from the sun will attack the earth, making more forest fires as the heat will be too hot making the plants and tree leaves burn.

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