Dating Peter Hale

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Dating Peter Hale would include :

~Random kisses, anytime anywhere. He never really cared much about what people thought before. Why should he start now?

~ Letting you climb all over him

~Flirting, like a lot

~ A LOT of sex

~ Like all the time

~ You two can't keep your hands off each other

~Derek constantly walking in on you two making out in random places

~His Camaro

~Peter's Italian table

~His bed

~After which he decides you two need your own place

~Even after moving in you have sex on about every piece of furniture in the loft just to piss Derek off

~It becoming a competition of who can find the best and most creative place to do it

~Him stroking your hair whenever you feel anxious or upset

~You rubbing his ears to calm him down,which gets him all mushy and compliant


~With or without music

~When he sings it makes you giggle

~It's his favorite sound in the world

~Next to you moaning (winkwink)

~Showers together

~Shower sex

~Taking baths in the jacuzzi sized bath tub in your penthouse

~Sex in the tub

~Peter cooking for you, because you absolutely love his food

~Only drinking tea/coffee/hot cocoa if he makes it (it just tastes better when you make it)

~Random adventures at random times (ice-cream at two in the morning, walking in the park at night)

~Cuddling naked

~Touching (doesn't always have to be sexual, sometimes you two just need reassurance that all this is real)

~Him getting angry and scared when you go on a pretty dangerous mission with the pack

~Him following you and pampering you after like you wouldn't believe

~You get annoyed but won't show it

~Because you still comfort him when he wakes up screaming from losing his family

~And you know he only has your best interests at heart

~Him bringing you flowers after everytime he leaves to help the pack

~But he buys pot plants because you can't look after vase flowers for shit

~Which has resulted in many nights spent in your garden, dancing, having picnics and stargazing surrounded by various flowers

~Allergy season is a Bitch

~He always tells you how beautiful you look

~And he shows it too

~He LOVES leaving hickies on your neck

~Him finding it amusing when you get upset that your marks on him go away

~Him getting some help getting a special wolfsbane concoction that dampens his powers for 24 hours

~Which means he let's you have your way with him for hours

~Smiling when he sees how proud you look at your work

~Gazing at himself in the mirror, admiring your work too

~The two of you are the kind of couple that no one messes with

~You judge people together

~You're partners in crime

~You're both secretly sure the two of you will get married

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