Dating Malia Headcannons

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Warnings : Mentions of smut

Disclaimer : the last idea (about the pokes, don't worry you'll see) isn't my idea. It's something that happened irl on another post and I thought it was the most precious thing ever.

Gifs not mine, all credit to the rightful owners

Dating Malia would include:

~Her being the dom

~Occasionally letting you take control, but even then, she always makes a point of showing you that she's in charge

~Being the little spoon

~Finally going to Paris together

~Not giving a damn about what Peter thinks of you

~But using his money anyway to have an amazing time

~Since she can't exactly hunt to show you her affection, she turns to buying random things she sees

~Like a little deer keychain that you now keep with you at all times

~She once impulsively bought a bar

~And that was a whole other adventure

~She LOVES reading romance and erotica

~And you arrange a movie night so the two of you can watch 50 Shades of Grey

~One day she comes home with a pair of cuffs that she stole from a police officer (no suprise )

~Let's just say, the next few weeks include a lot of kinky sex

~She always cooks for you

~And constantly complains about how she can't eat fresh deer meat

~She has a new found fascination with sugar

~Which has led to many hours spent holding her hair back in the bathroom

~When she's sick, it's the only time she'll let you be the big spoon

~Her taste in music constantly changes

~You don't mind it, except when it's 2 in the morning and she's blasting Three Days Grace

~Booping her nose

~You love the way she wiggles her nose afterwards

~She loves your morning hair, as messy as it is

~She hates it when you get a job because she's so lonely without you

~So you've come home to the house being decorated in Christmas lights (In March), or the window sills will be covered in random tiny ornaments

~She once spent over $10 000 on sex toys

~She pounced on you the moment you walked through the door

~You had to call in sick for work the next day

~She once went a cooking spree

~Let's just say you had to replace the whole kitchen

~But you sat with her anyway and ate the flopped pumpkin pie she tried to make

~Saying how she feels isn't easy for her, but she loves you like you wouldn't believe

~She does little things to show it to you

~Like heating a towel just before you get out of the shower, or leaving a little random one of her ornaments on your pillow

~She loves stroking your hair when she thinks you're asleep. You always pretend to be asleep in the early mornings, just so you can feel her touch

~You discovered after a bit, that has this habit of randomly poking you. Three times. It took you a while to realize that that's her way of saying "I love you".

~This completely eradicated all doubts that she didn't really care.

~You cried when you found out because it's just so precious

~You make an effort to tell her through pokes, all the time, that you love her too.

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