Look alike

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Next day

I was hanging out with Indi, Shayna and Kayden in catering. Kayden looked at me then beside me. She did that 3 times. I said what are you doing? Kayden said you and Kylie look identical. I said who? Kayden said Kylie! Kylie walked over and said yes. I looked at her and said woah. I stood up. Kylie smiled and said hi, I'm Kylie. I said holy shit. Shayna said great there goes my day. I said I'm Tiffany. I shook her hand. I felt something. I don't know how to explain it. Kylie and said what'd you need? Kayden said y'all could pass for twin sisters. Shayna said be glad you're not her sister. Kylie said do you wanna get your ass kicked AGAIN? Shayna said you couldn't beat me up. Kylie said how'd you get that black eye? Shayna said why'd you have to come here? Kylie said simple to make your life a living hell. Shayna said why can't you let it go? Kylie said let's see Damian nearly left me, people still call me a whore for something that never happened and I left UFC because of your little lie. Shayna said awe why? Kylie said because people kept harassing me. They called me a cheater, a whore and a slut everyday. So yeah I left because of you. Shayna said oh you're a big girl. Deal with it. Kylie said I would really shut up if I were you. Shayna said why? Kylie said I know a secret about you and I have proof to back it up. Shayna said what are you talking about? Kylie pulled her phone out and did something. Kylie said check your phone. Shayna checked her phone and turned red. Shayna said how'd you find out about this? Kylie said I have my ways. Now if you mess with my life again I promise I will post it and ruin your life as well. Shayna said you shady bitch. Kylie said no I'm not shady I'm just a bitch. Shayna said whatever. She walked away. Kylie said anyways what'd you want? I said first of all what just happened? Kylie said me and Shayna have a past. Kayden said What happened? Kylie said okay so she was mad because I beat her and took her title. So she decided to tell my boyfriend that I was sleeping with
Conor McGregor. When I wasn't. He almost left me and everyone still thinks I cheated and makes fun of me for it. Shayna won't tell the truth. So yeah I think that's a really good reason for me to hate her. I said wow Shayna did that? Kylie said yeah. She's not a nice as you think she is and I'm gonna tell you right now I can be a stone cold bitch. So don't think I'm a sweetheart or that you can run over me. Because that ain't happening. Indi said wow you 2 look identical and have the same attitude. I said I know I'm very interested now. Can we walk and talk for a bit? Kylie said sure. I said alright. We started walking around and talking....

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