Peter Parker's Field Trip to Stark Industries (talialalia)

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Word Count- 4,854

It was another boring Wednesday for Peter Parker. If he could just make it to the end of Decathlon practice, then he could be Spider-Man for the rest of the afternoon. Peter tapped his foot impatiently. He couldn't wait for the weekend when he could work on his suit. After the Infinity War, Mr. Stark decided to invite Peter to the tower to work with him a couple times a week, and sometimes over the weekend. It meant the world to Peter and he loved getting to spend time with Mr. Stark. Not to mention the dope upgrades he'd added to his suit in the process.

"Alright everyone!" Mr. Harrington called Peter from his thoughts. "Before we end practice for today, I have an exciting announcement." Mr. Harrington paused to make sure he had their attention. "The Decathlon team is going on a field trip to Stark Industries next Friday!"
Peter froze as the rest of the team burst into excited conversation.

Why SI of all places? Why him?

"This is a very exciting opportunity for us, so make sure you have your parent or guardian sign this permission slip before practice next Wednesday." Mr. Harrington waved the pink slips of paper as he struggled to call out the last bit of information out above the team's enthusiastic chatter.

"Hear that Penis?" Flash shouted above the team. "We're going to see your good friend Tony Stark! You're finally going to be exposed for the liar you really are." Flash laughed. A few heads turned to look at Peter as he ducked down, trying to avoid the attention. He didn't need the decathlon team thinking he was lying about the internship for attention, enough of his classmates already did.

Ned turned to Peter. "Ignore him, just think about how awesome it'll be! We'll get to skip school and go see the Tower together!" Ned was practically vibrating with excitement as they left the auditorium where the team normally practiced.

"I guess, but I'm not really looking forward to everyone thinking I'm a huge liar. What will I say if they find out I'm not actually an intern?" Peter groaned as they turned towards the front of the school, "and what if Mr. Stark sees me there? How am I supposed to explain actually knowing him?"

Hopefully he'd be able to keep a low profile on this field trip. Maybe May would let him skip...

"Dude, who cares what they think? We know how totally awesome your "internship" actually is. You're even getting to work with the Tony Stark on your suit!!" Ned always knew what to say to cheer Peter up.

"Bro, did I tell you he promised he'd let me help with the Iron Man suit this weekend???"


When Peter got home, he reluctantly gave the permission slip to May. She signed the pink slip with a chuckle, denying any chance he had of skipping the trip before he could even bring it up. Peter loved May, but this just seemed cruel. He pouted at May, but she simply smiled.

"What kind of guardian would I be if I let my wonderful nephew miss out on such an educational experience?" She winked and placed the pink slip back into his outstretched hand.


The Friday of the trip came way too soon. Peter spent the weekend at the tower with Mr. Stark, and the school week was super busy. When he got to Midtown at 8:30am, Peter's teammates were already waiting outside of the bus, eager to leave.

"Oh, look who decided to show up? Penis Parker is here to be humiliated!" Flash announced as Peter ran up to the group.

"Geez Eugene, do you ever shut up? Nobody cares." MJ rolled her eyes as she glanced up from her book, and Peter shot her a grateful look.

The team boarded the bus, and Peter, Ned, and MJ sat in the back. Ned in front of Peter, and MJ across the aisle, intently reading her book. As soon as the bus started rolling, Ned turned to Peter.

Peter Parker Field Trip to Stark industriesWhere stories live. Discover now