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Jeon Jungkook is cursed. The boy would swear on his life he was. And if you asked him why he'd tell you one reason and its effects – because he has magic powers. Because he's a warlock of sorts he doesn't have a soulmate; the boy never got his soulmate mark. Not when he was supposed to – when he turned 18 – and not later – he's 22 now. In Jungkook's mind, because of the magic the universe decided he should be alone his whole life.

Because of the magic, the boy never had any friends either. Not when he was a kid, not during high school, not even in college. Even his dorm roommate didn't like him at all because of his marklessness.

And now that he's moving into his own place, the man predicts he'll still be alone...

"Who the hell are you?"

"I should be asking you that!"

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