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Namjoon's Pov

I was in the conference room with all of my client and employees, discussing our new project in Spain. Probably in a few months, I will launch my new hotel there and that's mean I've to go there facing my grandpa again. He's being such an asshole lately to my woman and I'm absolutely mad at him.

I don't realize my body was here but my mind and soul was somewhere else, at her in the corner of the room. She's sitting there like nothing is happening between the two of us.

We are having a small argument this morning, about the way she dressed purely to make me gone mad. That long slit on her skirt makes me restless and the exposed cleavage is setting me on fire.

She said that was the formal dress code in the office, fuck no for me. I can't imagine how the men around her reacted to the way she dressed when I'm not by her side.

During the meeting, my eyes only looked at her for hours. I really wanted to rip off that small blouse and pin her against the wall, to show her who she's messing with.

Sometimes, I stole a look at my grandpa and I can clearly see his loathing toward me and her. He really gave me a headache.

I know that he still assumes that Mr. Lee is the culprit behind the incident that happened to me and my mother. I can't 100% sure about this because I have no evidence to support the assumption.

Mr. Lee is a clean man, no crimes he did in the past and he's a strict man when it comes to work, means no dirty work.

My personal investigator still on their job to find the culprit and they assure me it wasn't Mr. Lee but I still need to be aware of him. I hope they will find it out very soon.

A few minutes later, the meeting adjourned and I walked out of the conference room without a glance at her. She must know I still mad at her. I can sense her burning eyes are on me when I walked away with some of my business partners.

Once I'm done with them I turn my head over my shoulder and saw her standing in the doorway of the conference room with her arms folded against her chest.

"What?" I asked and turn my body facing her completely.

"You're a man-child." She replied.

"Who? Me? Are you talking about me?" I pointed myself and pretend to look dumb.

"Who else? Dumbass!" She glares.

"Cute progress... But I prefer it a little bit subtle. Like honey or darling or maybe hubby, that sounds really nice to me." I strode towards her direction.

"Heh! In your dream..."

"Oh hooo, believe me, I always do and you'd be the wild one in my dream." I stop right in front of her before my body touching hers.

"Pervert..." She whispered in between her gritted teeth.

She doesn't seem to be intimidated by me instead she looks really furious with me I don't know why but I'll figure it out soon.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and leaned closer to her ear. "I'm the one who should be mad right now, not you and by the way, you broke your promise last night. Aren't you remember?"

In an instant, she pushed me apart and staring at me intensely. "What promise? I didn't promise you anything last night."

"Really? Think back, sexy. I'm pretty sure that you still remember it but you decided to just let it go." I smirked.

Her body fit right in my hands when I grab her by the waist. "Here or home?" I whispered and she slightly gasped while looking up at me.

"What do you mean? Here or home?" She asked while she averted her sight away from me.

I bit my lower lip as she pretends to be confused with my question. She is so damn good at pretending and that makes me want her more than I've expected.

"Answer that question when we landed in Spain soon, sweetheart, tonight we're going to fly to Spain and I want my family to meet my future wife. My gorgeous future wife."

Y/n's Pov

I staring at his ocean blue eyes and scoffed. I just can't believe this man. He is so headstrong, wanted to marry me even I rejected him countless times. "No, I'm not going to Spain with you, never!" I say as I tried to get off of his grips.

"I didn't ask for your permission, mi hermosa señora." He replied with his perfect Spanish accent.

I love and hate it at the same time, his deep timbre voice can attract any woman he wants to including myself. "I hate you... I always do what you said. First, you control me the way I dress and now you force me to come with you to Spain."

"Well, as long as your father can't pay his debt you'll always be mine. Always be mine. I will only write off the debt if you agree to marry me but you kept rejecting my propose. What can I say, I'm taming a wild tiger right now and I should take it slow." His left-hand trails lower, my back and stop above my waist, pull me closer against his body.

His right hand comes to my neck, holding me in place. He tilted his head a bit before his lips landed on mine. His tongue slowly licks my lower lip asking for permission and I leave a slight gap, letting his tongue exploring my mouth let him dominate me once again.

He pulls away from me and I instantly crave him. His touch, his kisses, and his warmth. But when I look at him he's smiling and bring his hand up to caress my face.

"Lucky us, there is no one here." He says, his tone firm and sexy as hell.

"Oh my God, Demian." I instantly flush and alarmed.

I pushed at Demian, but it was like trying to move a wall. He swept me off the floor and bring me back into the conference room. Setting me down on the table and locked the door, don't wanna repeat the same mistake this time.

"Maybe we can do it here..." He smirks as he walks toward me.


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