The Baby Years

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3 months later...
Zarbon's POV
Veronica and Zebulon were both 1 year old now. Me and Vegeta were such good parents now. We started to teach them to walk. Zarbon:(cheerfully) Come on Zebulon,you can do it! Zebulon started to walk.
Zarbon:(cheerfully) it!
Zebulon finished walking to his mom, Zarbon. "Yay! I did it Mommy!" Zebulon said. Zarbon:(cheerfully) Good job Zebulon! You get a cookie! *Gives Zebulon a cookie*
"Thank you Mommy!" Zebulon said. "Now it's Veronica's turn! Come on Veronica~" Said Vegeta. Veronica started to walk slowly but she tripped. "Whoa!" Veronica tripped as she got her forehead hurt. "WAHHHH!!!" Cried Veronica. "Veronica!! It's okay baby! Here! Let me put a band-aid on you sweetie." Exclaimed Vegeta,he put the band-aid on Veronica's forehead. "It's okay? You can do it again next time."

Vegeta's POV
I started to put on my hat for work. Vegeta: Goodbye Zarby-poo~! *Kisses Zarbon on the cheek* "Goodbye Veggie-cake!" Waved Zarbon. "All right you two, Play nice~!" Zarbon left the kids room. Veronica and Zebulon looked at each other. Veronica got an angry face on. "What's wrong Sis?" Asked Zebulon. "This is your own fault!" Barked Veronica. "I should've done that before you! It's supposed to be me! Not you!" "Uhh...first of tripped over yourself because you walked slowly~" Zebulon said savagely. "Plus...I have the same personality as Mommy and you have the same personality as Daddy." Veronica got angry. "Grrr....That's it! I'm going to kill you, wittle bitch!" Veronica said. "Try to kill me! Bring it on! Try me you wittle bitch! But you have to catch me first~" Said Zebulon. "Arrrrgh!!! That's it!! Now you are going to get it!!!" Barked Veronica. "Okay...I guess you chose the hard way?" Zebulon said. Zebulon started to get some fake blood and scars and then put it on her face. "What is she doing?" Veronica thought. "WAHHHH!! MOMMY!!!" Cried Zebulon. "Oh shit! It's Zebulon! Mommy's coming sweetie!" Yelled Zarbon. "Now you are going to use some scissors and cut my hair!" Zebulon said. Zebulon gave Veronica the scissors and Veronica cuts her hair.

Zarbon's POV
I barged quickly into the kids room. Zarbon: (exhausted) Zebulon! Are you oka-!? *Gasps in shock* VERONICA!!! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK ARE YOU DOING WITH THE SCISSORS!? "She cut my hair off Mommy!! And I don't like it!!! Wahhhhh!!!" Cried Zebulon. "Why is that intelligent brat is a snitch!?" Thought Veronica. "She's the only one who gave me the scissors!?" Zarbon: *picks Zebulon up* It's okay Zebby-chan~ I know! Veronica! As for you,you are fucking grounded for 5 weeks!! I'm going to call your daddy for exactly what you did!! "NOOOOOOO!! Don't call Daddy!!!" Exclaimed Veronica. Zarbon: (pissed off) Shut up you little fucking spoiled brat!! *Calls Vegeta* Hello Baby Daddy Vegeta~! "Hello Zarby-poo!" Purred Vegeta. Zarbon: Guess what Veronica did today!? "What did she do sweetheart?" Vegeta asked. Zarbon: (yelling) VERONICA JUST HURT ZEBULON AND CUTS HER FUCKING HAIR OFF!!!!!! "WHAATTTTT!?!?!?!? I'll come home real quick!?" Cried Vegeta. "Love you sweetie!" Zarbon: (happy but still mad) Love you too honey bye! *Blows kiss* Come Zebulon let's go fix you up! Hmph! *Walks away with Zebulon* "Aaaaarrrrrrgggggh!!!!" Said an angered Veronica. "I am going to kill that fucking vain brat when I get older!!!!

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