Chapter 3- Keep this secret

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Hush, AViVa

I only ate briefly- some extra food stolen from the kitchens. I made sure of it to be in my Animagus form, allowing myself to be seen by the house elves. If I were to be seen, I would have an alibi. Although it wasnt a great alibi, it was at least something. Food tasted better when stolen anyway.

I ate in my Animagus form, knowing that I had still looked quite beat up. After munching down on a few scones and growling at some house elves, I head straight back for my room. I needed to stay in there until night, then I could sneak out for some healing potions. It was these times when I wished that I had learnt more about magic at the hideout. i
It would've really come in handy.

I let the hours tick by, unable to nap due to my very broken and painful nose. I glanced at the clock, it was 11pm no one except for the prefects should be around now. Carefully, I sneak out of my room the same as I did before. Silently I prowl down each hall, staying as close to the walls and their shadows. Just as I start to head up the stairs, two familiar voices come from above me. They were coming down the stairs. I dash to the corner, blending in easily to the darkness. The louder voice I recognized from the day, Tom. The other was quieter, only vaguely familiar.

"As I have warned you before I need that by friday. If I don't, merlin knows what I will do." His voice is deeper then it usually is, I've only heard it once like that before- when he had told me to back off. "Yes Voldemort." The quieter voice follows him down the stairs. Once I see his face I know exactly who it was. The Ravenclaw boy from before, Oliver. Sweet, submissive and ever so keen Oliver. The other person he was helping was Riddle, who now supposedly goes my the name "Voldemort".

"That's Lord to you. I am the most powerful wizard and dont you forget that." He spits at Oliver, quickly turning his heel and heading back towards our house. "Go to bed." Once Riddle is out of the way, Oliver audibly sighs in frustration. He relaxes his shoulders and turns to go back upstairs, but senses my movement as I come out of the shadows. He tenses up when I reveal myself, but I stay in my form. I stand in front of him, staring for a moment before heading up the stairs, signaling for him to follow.

When we are truly alone I change to normal, hiding my face in the dark. "Well, it wasn't that hard to find out who you were also helping, hmm?" He laughs nervously, visibly shaking. "You two are so formal, he's even making you call him a lord?" I question. "Y- Yeah." Oliver finally looks up at me. "I like to think of ourselves as buddies rather then what that was, so calm down. Friend." Calling him a friend seems to catch him off-gaurd, obviously something he wasn't expecting. Yet he listens, letting some of the tension in his shoulders dissapear. "Now, as a friend I need your help getting into there." I point down the hall at the hospital wing. He simply nods.

"No one is in there correct?" I ask, reviewing our plan once more with him. Ravenclaws seem to have a tendency to stay and plan things. He nods, looking down the hallway, checking for any prefects. "But may I ask why you need to get in there?" I sigh loud enough for him to hear. Exhausted, i hang my head. "Merlin, you'll see why after we get what I need. Let's just go." With a little shove, he stands next to the door, unlocking it and opening it enough for me to get in. In my Animagus form I hand him about three vials of your average healing potion and a rag, closing the door carefully behind me.

Unfortunately, the closest bathroom was the one in which I fought. Fortunately, no one had noticed the damage or disappearance. I lead him down the hall and into the bathroom, the vials softly clinking in his hands. The moonlight lit the room up enough, the cold harsh winds whistling into the room. When we get in he gasps, making a louder clink with the vials. I can only guess he was about to drop them. I wait for him to put the vials down before I change back, not wanting him to drop them.

A snake bite (Tom riddle x reader)Where stories live. Discover now