❧ I ❧

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         Sophia walks into the airport fighting back tears. Standing beside her is Luke, the boy who has stolen her heart, and his three friends. They’re going to get on a plane in a few minutes, and then the beautiful blue-eyed boy whom she loves will be thousands of miles away from her. She’s known this was coming, and she knows that he knows too. They both knew they’d have to say goodbye eventually, but they’ve both been pretending like today was never going to come.

         And now here she is, standing in the airport, about to tear his heart in two. She can’t do this whole long distance relationship thing, she just can’t deal with it. So when he leaves, she’s going to end things with him. Maybe it’ll be easier this way; maybe it’ll hurt less while he’s gone.

         “Soph? You okay?” Luke asks, looking over at her, his blue eyes full of worry.

         “Yeah, I’m fine,” Sophia forces a smile, so he won’t see.

         “God am I going to miss you,” He says, as they walk through security.

         “I’ll miss you too, Luke,” Sophia tells him, the lump in her throat getting bigger. She will miss him. She’ll miss his voice, his cuddles, his laugh, his smile, and those God-forsaken blue eyes. And she’ll miss his texts and phone calls, she’ll miss his kisses and hugs. She’d never counted on falling so in love with him, and a boy like Luke Robert Hemmings is pretty damn hard to forget.

         He reaches out and takes her hand, and she lets him, and holds on tightly to his hand. This will probably be the last time she ever gets to do this.

         The group of them arrive at the terminal, and they start saying their goodbyes. Sophia notices Ashton and his girlfriend, Maeve, lip-locked in their goodbye. She wishes she is as brave as Maeve, brave enough to stay with a boy who would be thousands of miles away from her all the time. Luke has told her that Ashton plans on getting her a promise ring soon. Sophia doesn’t know if she could do that.

         Luke wraps his arms tightly around Sophia, and she squeezes him back tightly, closing her eyes and memorizing the moment. The way he smells, the way it feels to be held so tightly in his arms. “Goodbye, Sophia.” He whispers, his voice cracking a little. He pulls back, and presses his lips against hers. The kiss is gentle and salty from their tears. Sophia tries to memorize the way this feels; the last time she’ll kiss Luke.

         “I hate to interrupt this sickening moment, but our flight is leaving in about three minutes,” Michael’s voice coughs from behind them.

         Sophia pulls away from Luke reluctantly, and then hugs him for one last time, and as she does, she whispers, “Luke, I love you so much, but I just- I can’t do this. I’m so sorry. I love you, don’t forget that, okay? Goodbye, Luke.” Tears start streaming down her face, and she leans in and kisses him one last time, before watching him wordlessly board the plane. She watches as the doors finally close, his blue eyes staring at her, full of sadness. Tears are running down his face, too, and she’s crying harder then she thought she would.

         She sits down on one of the benches in the waiting area to pull herself together, and as she does, her phone receives a text message.

From: Luke: I love you too, Soph



so there’s chapter one. this is the second book in my little short story series, if you haven’t read If You Knew, you should go do so :) this story is based off of the song Wherever You Are.

the other two books are, in order: Walk My Way (c.h., Mrs All American) and Hasn’t Been Caught (m.c. Good Girls) I’ll be posting Walk My Way when this is finished, and then Hasn’t Been Caught when that’s finished.


I’m really excited to write this, so I hope you enjoy it!


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