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         Luke is lying in his bunk, thinking about how much he misses Sophia and how hard it has been these past few months, not talking to her at all. He finally decided to take Ashton’s advice and write her a letter and a song. The letter is a work in progress; the song is almost complete, on the other hand.

         He’s a little stuck though, on the bridge. He can’t think of any words that fit and sound right. So he picks up his phone and starts typing up a text message.

To: Soph♥: Hi, Soph. I miss you. I still love you. I wish you’d come back to me. I’ll aways love you, Sophia. I’ll always be waiting for you, because it always will be you who has my heart

         He deletes the message quickly after typing it. He’s been doing this every day lately, typing up messages that he has no intentions to send. He looks back down at his phone and starts dialing her number, but he’s just talking himself out of hitting send when Michael’s voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he drops the phone on his bunk.

         “LUKE, YOU ARE GETTING OUT OF THIS BED TODAY, I DON’T CARE IF WE HAVE TO FORCE YOU,” Michael yells, standing in front of Luke’s bunk.

         “AND WE WILL DO WHAT HAS TO BE DONE,” Ashton adds.

         “DON’T MAKE US DO IT!” Calum adds for effect, appearing beside the other two.

         “Leave me alone,” Luke groans at them, not even turning to look.

         “COME ON LUKE, GET OUT OF THAT BED,” Michael repeats.

         “No, go away,” Luke groans again.

         “Lukeeee,” Calum whines, pouting at him.

         “Go away,” Luke says emotionlessly.

         “Lukeyyy, please?” Ashton tries.

         Luke doesn’t even answer this time.

         “I love youuu,” Michael says in a high-pitched voice.

         “I hate you,” Luke replies.

         “WE DIDN’T WANT TO HAVE TO DO THIS…” Calum goes back to yelling, and all three of them start trying to drag Luke out of the bunk by his arms and legs.

         “Whoa, stop mates, stop! I’ll get out of bed!” Luke shouts, giving in, and the other three boys let him go and allow him to climb out of the bunk by himself, “Jesus, were you trying to kill me?”

         “Jesus doesn’t believe in killing people,” Ashton says, shaking his head.

         The other two boys laugh at Ashton, “Wow, has Maeve been making you go to church or something?” Calum asks, as they all start walking into the room next to where the bunks are located.

         “Yeah, you’re standing here preaching to us,” Michael chuckles.

         “This is about Luke, not me,” Ashton says, holding his head high with all the dignity he can muster.

         “Right, Luke you need stop being depressed it is literally scaring us to death,” Calum says.

         “Incorrect use of literality,” Luke points out.

         “Can we at least give you some advice or say something inspirational without you saying something rude?” Michael asks pretending to be offended.

         “Go for it,” Luke says, faking enthusiastic-ness.

         “We were talking to the girls not long ago, and they told us something that she- she being Sophia- said, something that you may find helpful,” Calum begins.

         “She said that nothing stays the same, and nothing lasts forever,” Ashton finishes.

         If nothing lasts forever, Luke thinks, if nothing stays the same, why can’t I stop feeling like this?

         Suddenly it’s like a light bulb has gone off in his head, “THAT’S IT, OH MY GOSH THAT’S IT!” He shouts, running back towards his bunk and the piece of paper that he’s writing the song on.

         “What do you mean…?” Michael asks, confused.


         “Apparently we finally said something that got through to his little head,” Ashton says thoughtfully, “High five guys!”

         Luke rolls his eyes and starts scribbling away on the paper as the three other boys high five each other.


 omg there's only three chapters left and an epilogue, isn't that exciting?? 

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