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         Luke puts his pen down and smiles to himself. Finally, after hours of staring at a blank piece of paper, many days spent writing little bits and then stopping, and three and a half months of working on his letter to Sophia, he's finally finished it. He leans back on the couch in the common room on the tour bus, and then leans forward and reaches for the envelope that is lying on the table in front of him. He carefully folds the letter, places it inside the envelope, and writes 'Sophia' neatly on the envelope, before setting it on the table in front of him.

         He doesn't intend on sending it; at least not any time soon. Before the song he'd written for her is released, he'll send it, he vows to himself. He'd actually written more than one song, but the first song he'd written meant more to him; it just felt more special. So he wants her to know it's meaning before the world gets to hear it.

         "Luke, come here, I need someone to play GTA with me!" Michael yells from the other end of the tour bus.

         "Alright, I'm coming Mikey!" Luke yells back, and then lets out a sigh before getting up and walking back towards the bunks, and then into the room that's just beyond them.

         "I beat him, so he doesn't want me to play with him anymore," Calum pouts.

         "And I lost three times in a row so I am not playing anymore," Ashton says, pretending to cry.

         "So basically you're saying that I should beat Mike?" Luke asks, allowing a grin to find its way onto his face.

         "YES, BEAT MIKE," Ashton yells in agreement.

         "NO, I'M JUST AN INNOCENT BOY WITH PRETTY BLUE HAIR," Michael defends himself, laughing and handing Luke a controller.

         Ten minutes later, Luke is celebrating in victory, Michael is in the corner pouting, Calum is cheering with a giant grin, and Ashton is laughing and excusing himself to the bathroom.

         "I DEMAND A REMATCH, THAT WASN'T FAIR," Michael complains from his corner.


         "That isn't true," Michael says, crossing his arms over his chest.

         "Whatever, Mike," Luke rolls his eyes, then lets out a yawn, "I'm gonna hit the bunks."

         "Okay, goodnight Lukey!" Calum calls.

         "Night Cal," Luke responds, making his way towards the bunks.

         "Night Luke!" Michael grins, apparently over being beaten.

         "Night Mike," Luke says, before making his way back through the open door to the bunks. He suddenly remembers that he left the letter on the table, and walks to the common room to retrieve it. But when he gets to the table, it's empty, there's nothing in the spot where he left the letter; in fact there's nothing on the table at all.

         "ARE YOU KIDDING ME. WHERE IS IT?" Luke yells a lot louder than he intended, causing the other boys to come running to him.

         "Luke, what's wrong?" Calum asks, out of breath from running across the tour bus.

         "My letter to Sophia disappeared. I swear I left it right here on this table, and now it's gone!" He runs his fingers through his hair in worry, "I worked so hard on it!"

        "It's okay, Luke, I'm sure it'll turn up eventually," Ashton reassures him, putting a hand gently on his shoulder.

        "Hopefully," Luke says, trying not to look too worried about it.

        No one notices the way Ashton's eyes are sparkling knowingly, nor do they have a second thought about his words.


hey guys Just Saying is my new favorite song (I feel like it's Heartbreak Girl part 2, I guess Heartbreak Girl didn't convince her ;) ) it made me laugh so hard lol. Especially the lines "got a big house, says he lives alone, but when I drove by I could see his mom was home" and ASHTON HAS A SOLO LIKE WHAT. Basically I'm really not fine at all right now 😍 😂 💌 <<< that last emoji is totally appropriate because Luke's love letter is very important... ;) I wonder what happened to it? I'm going to leave you all with this little joke:

what fruit has amnesia?

the pineapple, because it's really not pine at all

note: that joke isn't mine, credit to whoever came up with it (:

~Mags x

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