❧ V I I I ❧

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         “Sophia honey, can you please go get the mail?” Sophia’s mother asks her, standing in the doorway to the living room.

         “Sure Mum,” Sophia replies, getting up off the couch where she was watching Phil of the Future with her little brother Connor. She slips on a pair of flip flops and walks out the door, down the driveway, then stops at the mailbox, opens it, and pulls out a stack of mail. She sifts through it as she walks back to the house, and notices a large, thick envelope at the bottom of the stack; an envelope addressed to her. She quickly walks inside, tosses the other mail on the table, and quickly goes up to her room with her envelope.

         “Thank you, Soph!” Sophia’s mum calls to her as Sophia begins to ascend the stairs. Sophia cringes at the nickname ‘Soph’; that’s what Luke always called her. She wipes away the tears that have pooled up in her eyes and continues up to her room, stopping to respond to her mum.

         “You’re welcome, Mum!” And with that, she walks upstairs and into her room, carefully tearing open the large envelope.         Inside she finds a note and another, smaller envelope, thick with paper, with her name written neatly across it in familiar handwriting. She reads the note before opening the other envelope.


       In the envelope you’ll find a letter that Luke wrote for you. We didn’t read it, so we don’t know what it says, Luke wouldn’t let us see it. He’ll probably flip a sh*t when he finds out that we mailed this to you; he wasn’t actually going to send it, not right now at least. Anyway, we think it’s important that you read this. Luke has been a mess ever since we left and I don’t think you understand just how badly you broke his heart. He loves you. So read the note, and then maybe call Luke? It’s not too late to go back to him. You know you want tooooo ;) (Ashton wrote that last sentence) MIKEY THAT WASN’T NECESSARY {I apologize –Cal}


         Ash, Mikey, and Cal x                               

         Sophia laughs quietly to herself, before setting down the note and picking up the other envelope. She carefully opens it, and pulls out the collection of papers inside, and carefully reads each and every word.

Dear Soph,

         I decided to write this because I want to tell you how I feel and also get all of my feelings off my chest. I also want to explain to you the song that I’m writing   for you. It’s not finished yet, so I’ll probably do that another day. Well…I miss you, Soph. Damn I miss you. It seriously feels like I’ve been torn in two, which sounds kind of crazy and stupid, but it literally hurts. There is literally a pain in my chest. If you ever read this, (eventually you will, I think; just not anytime soon) I really hope it doesn’t make you feel awful, because it’s not your fault. It’s all my fault. It’s my fault for falling so in love with you, that as soon as you left me I can no longer function. I should have known better, knowing you the way I do, that you would be so uneasy about me leaving and going on tour. I should have talked to you about it when I first told you I was leaving. I should have done everything in my power to convince you that it would be okay, that you’d be perfectly fine and safe with me. But I didn’t. Because I’m an idiot, and I’m stupid. I could have prevented all of this from even happening, but I didn’t. It’s all my fault that my heart is torn apart.

         I have to go for now, okay Soph? The boys are yelling at me because we have to go get ready for a concert now. I’ll continue this later; don’t worry. I love you, Soph.

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