❧ e p i l o g u e ❧

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         Sophia is sitting in Maeve’s hotel room, trying to calm her nerves and decide how to surprise Luke. Maeve looks at her from across the room, and gives her a small smile before getting up, slinging her purse over her shoulder, and coming to sit next to Sophia.

         “Sophia, I’m going to head to the boys’ rehearsal if you want to come with me,” Maeve says, giving her a knowing smile.

         “Okay. I don’t know if I’m ready…” Sophia trails off, leaving her sentence unfinished.   

         “If you don’t want to come right now, you don’t have to. Just come whenever you’re ready,” Maeve tells her, with a sympathetic smile and a pat on the shoulder.

         “Okay. I’ll be there soon.” Sophia agrees, looking at Maeve.

         “Alright, then I’ll you in a little bit,” Maeve says, getting up and walking towards the door. Her hand has just touched the door knob when Sophia speaks up.


         “Yes Sophia?” Maeve asks, turning back around to face her.

         “Thank you so much, for everything. For being a good friend and making me realize my mistake before it’s too late.” Sophia says, tearing up and smiling at the same time.

         “You’re welcome, Sophia,” Maeve says with a chuckle, “It was my pleasure.” She walks over and embraces Sophia for a second.

         “Now get out of here and go watch those poor idiots rehearse!” Sophia says playfully, laughing.

         “Okay, I’ll get on my way,” Maeve laughs back, walking to the door, but she turns around just before she leaves the room, “Don’t take too long, Sophia, your man is waiting for you,” After a second, she adds, “even if he doesn’t know it yet.” With a big smile and a laugh she disappears.

         Sophia sits there in the quiet for a few minutes, thinking about everything. She can’t wait any longer to see him, to fix this mess. So she gets up, checks her hair in the mirror, which in retrospect is unnecessary since what Luke’s hair looks like won’t matter to her. After checking her hair, she finally puts on her coat (since they’re in the States right now, and it’s winter) and walks out into the hallway, into the elevator, and then out of the hotel and into the crisp winter air.

         When she reaches the huge arena, she finds that the back doors, where Maeve and Ashton both instructed her to enter, are under guard by bodyguards. Great.

         “Um…hi,” Sophia starts, unsure of what to say.

         “Can we help you miss?” One of the bodyguards asks her.

         “Yeah…uh…I’m here to see Luke.” Sophia finds the words, but she’s surprised when the bodyguards just look at her like she’s crazy.

         “If I had a dollar for every girl who told me that, I’d have a million dollars,” Another bodyguard says, chuckling slightly.

         “Please, it’s really important. I swear, I’m not just a deranged fan,” Sophia tells them, practically begging.

         The bodyguards only laugh at her, “We’ve heard that one so many times that it’s getting old.”

         “I swear to you, I’m Luke’s ex girlfriend; I’m here to fix things. You have to believe me, please,” Sophia begs.

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