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         Sophia isn’t very surprised when she sees Maeve standing at her door; who she’s shocked to see is Ashton. What is he doing here? He’s supposed to be on another continent!

         “Ashton? What the hell are you doing here?” Sophia asks, almost positive her eyes have fallen out of her head in shock. She looks at Maeve, who is grinning happily, and notices something sparkly on her left ring finger. “Maeve is that what I think it is?"

         “Okay, one question at a time,” Ashton says with slight laugh, “I’m here because I came to give Mae here that lovely promise ring, and convince her to come back on tour with me. And then she had a brilliant idea.”

         “Oh, you answered both questions in one,” Maeve giggles at him, then looks at Sophia with a serious expression. “Sophia, come with us and see Luke. Tell him that you still love him and get him back! Now is your chance.”

         “Oh, I don’t know…” Sophia responds. All of this is almost too much to take in. First that letter, and now this?

         “Sophia, you must’ve gotten that letter. You can’t tell me that didn’t change your mind,” Ashton says in an attempt to convince her.

         “I mean…it was a beautiful letter,” Sophia begins, and then thinks, yeah, beautifully heartbreaking, “And…I want to get him back…I just don’t know if going with you and showing up on tour out of the blue is really a good way to do it…”

         “Oh, trust me, Luke would love to see you,” Ashton says with a reassuring smile.

         “Well…I have to talk to my mum, and…” Sophia says. She doesn’t know why she keeps trying to think of excuses. This is what she wants, isn’t it?

         “Oh, don’t worry about her. We’ve already spoken with her. Your ticket’s been bought, too.” Ashton tells her with a big grin, “So, will you come?”

         “Yeah,” Sophia says uneasily at first, then she gains enthusiasm, “yeah, I’ll come.”

         She hurries back inside with the two of them, quickly packs a bag, and then they head off to the airport.

         Once on the plane, Sophia’s stomach fills with butterflies, and she starts getting nervous about seeing Luke for the first time in so long.

         “Oh, Sophia, we want you to see this,” Maeve says, handing Sophia her phone, a video pulled up on the screen. Sophia taps play and watches it. It’s a video of the boys performing Amnesia. Luke looks completely heartbroken; he looks like a mess. And it’s her fault. Sophia realizes that she’s doing the right thing, surprising him on tour.

         “This is what you didn’t want me to see,” She says quietly.

         “We thought it would hurt you,” Maeve explains.

         “I have to make things right; I have to fix him,” Sophia says, making up her mind.

         She doesn’t know what Luke will say or how he’ll react, she just knows she’s going to see him for the first time in seven months, she’s going to wrap her arms around him, and she’s never going to let go of him.


And that was the last chapter! The epilogue will be up soon :) I bet you all thought Luke was at the door…but it was just Ash and Maeve. If Ashton Irwin showed up at my door out of the blue, everything in life would be perfect ;)

                  ~Mags x

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