Chapter 2 A Car Ride

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"I'm Rick." The 'leader' sticks his hand out, waiting for me to shake his hand. I glared at it for a moment before looking back up at him. He just takes his hand back. Now that he's closer, and out of the bright sun, I can see him. He's not as tall as I originally thought, though he still has some height to him. He's got bright blue green eyes, and curly hair. His beard covers most of his jaw.
"This is my wife Lori, and my son Carl." He walks over to the pregnant woman and the boy.
"Hello." the wife says very short, looking back down at her belly. The boy looks at me and then back at his father. My face twists into a smirk.
"I'm Carol." The older woman sitting next to Lori introduces herself before Rick can. I nod to her. 

"This is Hershel, Maggie, and Beth." I look at them each. Hershel looked like he belonged on a farm, Maggie was older than Beth, and her hair was darker. Beth was blonde, pretty, and young. 

"We need to get Glenn." Maggie says, starring Rick in the eye.
"We'll talk about it later." Rick looks over to the man leaning against the wall. Eve tightens her grip on my leg and I put my hand on her head.
"We will talk about it now! We are not just going to leave him out there!" she shouted at him, standing now. I guessed she liked him, maybe even loved him. Though I never really believed in love, other than Eve. Eve was my only love.
"You want to go back out there now? After we just barely got out?"
"Yes, I do. I'm not leaving him out there to die. I know him, he's alive. And not bitten." Her southern accent took over and she spat out the last part with a drawl. I hear a huff from the guy against the wall. His blue eyes watched me carefully, the look he first had in them when I was just in my jeans and bra, was gone. I was grateful, though a small part of me wishes the look was still there. I wiped the thought away.
"Look. If you want to go grab your guy, that's fine. Just be back before sun down so I know it's you and not a walker before I shoot you. Where'd you leave him?"
"We didn't leave him!" Maggie shouts at me.
"Well he ain't here now is he?" I smirk at her. Crossbow guy huffs quietly.
"He's in a house, trapped by a herd." Rick responds, while Maggie shoots daggers into my head.
"How large?" I ask, as I pull my gun into my lap and check my bullets.
"A couple dozen maybe?"
"Not too bad. This place had a hell of a lot more and...well it's cleared now." I couldn't say her name, not out loud. They caught on to my screw up easily.
"Who did you lose?" Maggie asks, her voice softer but her face still a bit twisted. I glared right back at her.
"None of your fucking business." I jumped off the table, Eve trailing a bit behind me. I walk into my cell and grab my sword, swinging it behind my back. I put my knives in my pockets and boots. I check the bullets left on my hand gun and reload the few missing. I placed the larger gun on my bed and walked back out, all eyes on me again.
"Well are we going or not? I ain't got all day!" I crossed my arms across my chest for emphasis.
"You said we should be back before dark...are you not staying?" Carol asks.
"Look, whether I like it or not, I owe you guys. You saved and protected my sister. So yeah, I'm coming." Eve pouted to me a little, but she soon changed her mind and hugged tightly around my waist. I picked her up and hugged back tightly.
"I love you baby girl, I hope you know that." I whisper into her ear. She nods and says she loves me back. I smile and put her back down on the ground.
"My names Vienna by the way. Most call me Vi, I don't care either way." I shrug and look around. I single out the last person who's name I didn't know.
He starred back at me, and I took it as a challenge. I didn't twitch, didn't blink, I probably hardly even breathed. He finally cracked.
"Daryl." He says before he turns around and heads back out of the room.
"YOU ALL COMING OR WHAT!?" He shouts at us. I smirk slyly and head out the gate.
Of course I drove, arguing that it was my truck and my gas. I fought with Daryl and Rick about it, but eventually I won. Daryl sat next to me in the truck, his arm resting on the window. I caught him glancing at me now and then out of the corner of my eye. I smirked every time. Rick and Maggie sat in the back, loading guns if they were needed. I doubted it. I don't like to boast, it's not in my nature, but I'm great with my knives and ever since the world went to shit I've been getting really good with a sword. I look at Daryl out of the corner of my eye. I feel like I know him, like I've seen him before but I don't know why. Wouldn't he recognize me? Maybe that's why he was starring at me. Or maybe he's trying to see me without a shirt on again.
I think a little harder about him, trying to put his face in a memory. Trying to give those blue eyes to someone I knew. I almost gasp at the realization.
"Dixon." I say, smiling at myself for finally remembering.
"What?" he responds to me, before a flash of acknowledgment crossed his eyes, realizing he didn't tell me his last name. I smiled a little more.
"You jacked my deer!" I recall the memory. Hiding in the woods for days, tracking that damn deer. It was so beautiful, a real prize. I hadn't seen one even close to it. I knew it would be mine. But as soon as I shot, that damn crossbow shot me in the arm. He literally stole my deer then after. I went to the hospital to get the arrow out of my arm, and found him there. My bullet went straight through the deer and into Daryl. I couldn't help but laugh at him when I saw him, cause I knew I had done it immediately. I was cackling like a mad woman, so of course he exploded on me, screaming and yelling. His brother along with him. I'm surprised they didn't shoot me then.
They left after the doctors gave Daryl the all clear, and I stole the nurses roster on him just in case I ran into him again. Daryl Dixon.
"You're the one who shot me." he grumbled, starring at me fully. Rick and Maggie grew quiet in the back.
"I shot the deer, didn't know it would go through. Didn't know you were there. But you knew exactly what you were doing when you shot me!" I smiled again.
"Actually I was shootin' the deer when your damn bullet hit me." He flung his hand in the air for emphasis. I chuckled at him, knowing that it would just piss him off. To my surprise he laughed a little.
"So let me get this straight, you knew each other before this because you shot each other?" Rick asked.
"Guys a little slow ain't he?" I asked Daryl, who chuckled a little. I saw Ricks jaw tighten a bit, which made me smile.
"Calm down piggy I'm just kidding." I comment on him being a cop.
"How'd you know?"
"Didn't think your son was a cop." he gave me a confused look. "The hat." I roll my eyes.

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