Do I really belong

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"YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, I was being adopted, 9 years and finally someone wants me. I combed back my blonde hair into a braid. i straightened my black dress, My dad was really rich, he didn't want me, but he sent nice things, he has that going for him. I ran down stairs and froze. the family had like 20 kids, "hello?" I said. " Well hello darling, I am Amber, this is Darek, Call us Mama, and Papa. please"I faked a smile " hey Mama, Papa?" Amber sqeezed me. " SO are they all yours?" I asked, hoping it was no. " Hahah no silly, only 5, i babysit" I was gonna have a long day.

We got to the house. It wasn't very big, but it was cozy. Amber told me to set my stuff by the fire place. The she said she was going to drop of the kids at there home and that she would be back. I sat by the fire for about three hours, the flames cracked and I felt like I was home, but did I really belong?

Amber got home at 8:00, the family ate dinner and everyone was sent to bed....I woundered,how long will I stay

I am planning on putting a picture on every chapter, so you know what things look like :D ~ Clara

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