What about me?

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I woke up, it was freezing. I pulled the blanket over my mouth. My sister Linzy kick me, "Ouch." I mumbled, she was still asleep. I had no clue why, she had been talking about Christmas for months. I snugged deeper in the blankets, I had a dream about wolves. It was weird. I grabbed my book of the desk, I had been in this house for 2 weeks, I was so happy. I loved it here. Linzy woke up. "Morning grumpy." I told her. she laughed "what...eve....er" she said sticking her tongue out at I sat up and slipped my slippers  and walked into the living room, Linzy right behind me.

I gasped at the sight. The Christmas tree a light white like snow, little lights twinkling on and off. The smell of cinnamon in the air. I ran over to the tree, brightly wrapped presents spread out. John, Brynn, Anna, and Emily were sitting around.

John had a brown blanket over his lap, his black hair sticking out in all directions, he was only 5. Brynn was 6, and had his black head under a blanket, and had his legs flopped over the couch. Anna was on her phone, her brown hair in curlers, she was 16 and was a absolute brat. Emily was Anna's twin so much sweeter, she had her moms brown curly hair, and jumped up as soon as we came out of the room. " Hey, finally you are awake!" I chuckled, " I get it, i get it. we are 'late'" we laughed "Mom and dad said not to wait. Let us open PRESENTS!!!!" Emily said. We all surrounded the Christmas tree. 

John started separated the gifts, in the end they each had 10, but not me. I had 1. they all got tons of cool stuff. I got a box from my dad, like every year. This year I got a gem, a light blue gemstone ring. I stuck it in my pocket before anyone noticed. but still.....why didn't I get anything from my new family, what about me!

Sorry there isn't a picture. Internet was being really wierd. ~ Clara

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