We are in big trouble

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Linzy and I creeped along the side of the store, we knew it was wrong, but we needed new clothes and some food. In about a months time I ad lost 10 pounds, I didn't need to lose.So Linzy and I had waited for about 30 minutes after the store closed. We creeped inside. I found the clothes and quickly changed. I put on a light sky blue top, with a v neck line. and some new dark blue jeans. Linzy found a pink top, and she kept her jeans but got new shoes.

We started out the building when we heard a creaking sound, we both froze, "What have we here" we hear in a deep gruff tone. I turn around see a man... and he looks mad. "Please. just let us go, we needed cloths, we lost our parents and we have no money." I really didn't think it would work... but it did. " Go now before I change my mind " he says. we take off out the store. by this time I was 11. I turned to see a cruise ship... I barely made out the name The Princess Andromeda. I grabbed Linzy's hand and gragged her to the ship. we climbed aboard, no one was there... suddenly I saw the shape of boy he looked to have black hair, then a girl, seems she had blonde hair, and the last on I could make out the shape of crutches.

I was afraid to get caught so Linzy and I changed course and headed in the opposite direction. The next morning when we woke, alarms where going off. I ran out the door to the room we found. I saw the three I saw last night in a life boat... but then I saw these...............things..........like monsters. I turned to Linzy and whispered "We have to get out, and fast". Then I heard a sly laugh. I turned and was face to face with a boy. He had blonde hair, and amazing blue eyes. He was a looker minus the white scar line that went from under his eye to his jaw.

"My name is Luke" he said "and we need to talk"

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