How are you?

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When Luke got back he was tired and sweaty. He looked like he had been crying. "Are you okay?" I asked. just then Atlas came in. he wore a generals uniform. when he had entered the room a feeling of dread passed over me. He could break my neck in half with one hand. I was so small compared to him. I held in tears. If i hadn't made him swear on Styx, he wouldn't have taken back the sky. Atlas strode up to me and I held my breathe. I was shaking so bad. 

Atlas grabbed my neck and slammed me into the wall. "You think you are greater then I?" he challenged. I couldn't breathe. or speak. I clawed at my throat. my vision turning blurry. just then Luke separated us. I hit the ground and gasped for breathe. Luke stood in front of me like a body guard. "She is much more valuable then both of us!" Luke spat.

Atlas turned and stormed out of the room. Luke dropped to my side. "You alright." I shook my head no. He picked me up and carried me to my bedroom. He was about to leave when I got my breathe back. "Can you stay with me? In case he comes in here at night?" Luke nodded. he lay down next to me. he looked over at me "I'm sorry." he said. "For what?"  Luke let out a laugh "Well dragging you into this war. you being like me. your dad being Zeus. my worst enemy" When he said that I thought of the lightning... that always came whenever i was in trouble.

Luke sat with me till I was asleep. I wish he would have stayed longer though.

The Picture is my room ~ Clara

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