The Titans Curse

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"Luke summons you" A kid called, I took a deep breathe, once again I wore a formal dress, but this time, it was more natural. It was a Greek style, and was the most beautiful pale blue color. I walked out the door and Linzy started following "Not you" the kid said. I looked at Linzy, "It's okay. I'll be alright" I said. I follow the kid all the way to the 'main room' I called it that because that is where all the meetings where held.

"Clara have a seat." Luke said, he looked really tired so I just sat down. "There was a Titan, named Atlas. He sided with the titans in the first titan war, as a punishment the gods made him hold the sky on his shoulders" Luke said. That is awful I thought. Luke continued "We need his help in this war, So we need to take the sky from him." I almost choked "YOU WANT ME TO TAKE THE SKY" I said "Luke held up his hand

"Clara why would I kill the most important human in this whole war? Yes you will take the sky, but only for a moment. We found a way to get lady Artemis here, when she enters the ruins she will see a poor defenceless girl bearing the sky. She will come to your aid, then will you relive the sky and both you and Atlas will be free" I took a breathe. "What if things go wrong?" I asked "What if Artemis is smarter then you think and never gets caught? What if she doesn't take the sky? Will I have to hold it till the end of the war?" I asked. Luke smiled "Atlas knows how important you are to this operation he will take the sky if things go wrong." 

I thought for a minute "Why not" I said. Luke smiled "I knew I could count o...." I cut him off "Swear on Styx Atlas will take it back" Luke looked stunned "How......." This is when I smiled " I did the reading" Luke wrapped his arm around me. I blushed. I didn't like Luke but he was good looking. I shook that out of my mind "Clara" Luke said "I can tell you are better then any other person to play your part" With that Luke walked out of the room to make preparation for our journey to Mt.Tam

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