Chapter Five: Symbolism

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All I have to say attention to detail...enjoy.

Gwen's POV
               The whole time Duncan talked about how "he was the same as me" in skills...ugh no he is not. Duncan was starting to get on my actual nerves and I was about to snap, but he noticed and stopped...surprisingly. Oh yeah I forgot the worse part, our project was to draw to a picture of what reminds us of the other person...but only half of it and then have the other person finish it. I knew he was going draw something stupid like a skull that resembles our dead relationship, as he's really it was going to be an easy project.

               What did I draw, a broken heart....why...because he shattered mine as he was obsessed with Courtney after three long years of dating. The thought of us never fighting, never arguing....nothing, it just hurt me. We got along perfectly, some people think relationships like that are boring, but no it was the exact opposite. But back to the drawing, I drew a real blue heart, that represented cold for his nasty hateful personality. I drew the top half, and made very good...along with a lot of detail. After I was done I started erasing things to make the broken heart. I got an idea to make fun of him and describe him.

            A snake biting the heart, as he's like...well the devil and how he taunts you to play with him until you get vanished from th-...let's just say he just had a poisonous personality too...and snake hands. I drew the venom going into the veins of the heart and hurting the heart the more I dated him the more I was just hurting myself. I still had so much time and I draw more...a raven came to mind and I draw a much of very detailed raven symbolizing how much bad luck, trouble Duncan was.

Duncan's POV
              We had three hours to draw the top half of what reminds you of the other person. I looked at Gwen...what is the first thing that comes to my mind. I was thinking of her like a quiet, emotional girl. Owls are quiet...but I'm pretty sure they aren't emotional. I then thought of something perfect...crows. Why crows are mysterious and...Gwen's definitely mysterious, but I didn't want to just draw that. I wanted to mention her bad it felt, like how she tore my heart out of my fucking chest.

           So I drew a the crow sitting on half of a grave, all alone in a graveyard....with a dying...bloody heart in the dirt. Other things that made me think of Gwen were black cats...not for bad luck, but for her being mysterious. I made it night time, it fit her vibe. I got an idea and draw heart in chains as what if felt forbidden to be her friend again. I started working on the underground part of my drawing with of a broken glass girl with her glass limbs I always felt like Gwen was broken.

          "Okay class, you guys can finish these draws tomorrow...please leave them here and go home." Professor Marshall said I put the pencil down and Gwen walked away.

                I watched her leave right after she turned in the sketch and I walked over to him and turned my art in and he pleased with it. I made my way to my car and started driving. Once I got to the dorm I sat down on my bed.

The Next Day

Gwen's POV
               I was putting the finishing touches on the sketch and I sat there and smiled at it...such a good drawing that symbolized someone who such a piece of shit...thinking of that I should of drawn that and called it a day. I sat there looking at the half of the broken heart, snake, raven, and other details I had. Drawing this made me hate him more.

          "Ready?" Duncan asked and I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

Duncan's POV
             After finishing the details of the grave, the broken glass girl, the black cat, crow, and field of dead red roses that I added today, they symbolized how dead our relationship was...I looked at her and then it. Such a beautiful girl, but how broken she was. I regret what happened so much, she truly was the love of my life and still is...drawing this made me fall in love with her more. I looked over at her and smiled.

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