Chapter 5: Rivals

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to Chapter 5, here's another flashback which shows what happens after Ghidorah left Alice. Now let's begin)

Ghidorah P.O.V

"Ghidorah was walking into the forest looking for a place to rest, he wasn't really feeling well, the only thing he felt was sadness and anger, he was definitely heartbroken after what happened and now all he wants to do is to forget it and move on with his life. Ghidorah wondered where he could find a place to rest although he also wondered if there was a place for him since he's literally a giant golden three headed two winged two tailed dragon"

Ghidorah: "sighs" this is really going terrible for me. And all thanks to that damn Alice

"Ghidorah couldn't still believe that all this time Alice never truly loved him and that did really broke his heart, Ghidorah looked around to see if he can find a place to rest in this forest but he unfortunately couldn't find anything, despite being a huge forest it was still small and he was too big"

Ghidorah: well this is great

"Suddenly the ground began to shake uncomfortably like if an earthquake was happening but it wasn't an earthquake"

(A/N: music)

"Suddenly numerous heads were coming out of the ground, they were snake heads and there was six heads, then the body came out of the ground, it had huge wings, two feet with sharp claws and a long tail. This creature was a winged hydra, an ancient species that went extinct years ago and an arch enemies to Ghidorah's species, when Ghidorah saw the winged hydra, he had a look of hatred"

Ghidorah: well if it isn't Grodan. The last of his own species

Grodan: you're one to talk although i believe that you are suppose to be dead

Ghidorah: dead ? I was never dead

Grodan: also i believe that i ripped your left head

"Hearing Grodan say this made Ghidorah growl in anger"

Grodan: oh. Did i make the dragon angry ?

Ghidorah: oh you did and i'm going to rip your heads

Grodan: oh please like you stand a chance against me. Not even your own race managed to beat mine

Ghidorah: that's it !!!!!

(A/N: skip the music to 02:35)

"Ghidorah let's out a loud roar as he opens his wings and begins flying, Grodan did the same thing and began flying, both monsters crashed into each other and began attacking, Ghidorah's heads were bitting the heads of Grodan but since Grodan had more heads than Ghidorah, he began bitting Ghidorah's head with his other heads and buried his claws into Ghidorah's chest causing him to roar in pain. Ghidorah fired his Gravity Beams which backed away Grodan and caused him to roar in pain, Grodan then fired from his mouth black thunder which hit Ghidorah and caused him to roar in agonizing pain, the attack paralyze Ghidorah and caused him to fall to the ground while roaring in pain, Grodan then buries his claws on Ghidorah's wings causing more pain"

Grodan: what's wrong ? Is the great King Ghidorah being beaten by a winged hydra

Ghidorah: shut up !!!

Grodan: oh wait. Maybe it's because you are heartbroken

"Ghidorah's eyes widen when he heard this"

Ghidorah: how the hell do you know about that ?!

Grodan: it isn't hard to camouflage

"Grodan then fires his black thunder electrocuting Ghidorah and causing him to roar in agonizing pain, Ghidorah was beginning to weakened and to breathe. Grodan was about to fire his attack but Ghidorah quickly fires his Gravity Beams pushing Grodan and making fall to the ground"

(A/N: end of the music)

"Ghidorah quickly flaps his wings and flies away"

Grodan: "get's up" fly all you want dragon. I will find you

To be continued.

(A/N: that's all for this chapter hope you enjoy and i'll see you guys next time)

King Ghidorah and RWBY: hatred or love (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now