Chapter Fifteen

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Gee awoke to the sounds of whispering.

"You didn't tell him?" It was Lindsey. "What do you mean, you didn't tell him?"

She shifted slightly so she could hear better, still trying her best to look asleep. Was Lindsey talking about Frank?

"I couldn't find him!" Jamia squeaked back. "I looked everywhere, I swear! Jesus, Lindsey, I really don't want to do this to Frank. Didn't you hear about his brother's surgery? The last thing he needs to hear is that his girlfriend is a fag!"

"Nothing happened to his fucking brother." Lindsey hissed, and Gee froze, holding her breath.

"W-What?" Jamia stammered. "But Ray said – "

"Yeah, well I lied to Ray." Lindsey said. "I lied to everyone, the surgery went fine. But Frank's going to find that out soon. You need to tell him that Gee's actually Gerard so he can break up with her – him, whatever – while he's still upset. Otherwise, who knows what he'll do."

"Why now, though?" Jamia asked. "Lindsey, I don't really get it. Couldn't we just leave Gee – uh, Gerard," She added when Lindsey snorted. "Alone?"

"But Jamia," Lindsey cooed. "You're the one Frank should be dating. Don't you think?"

Gee wanted to punch this fake bitch in the face.

"I-I guess," Jamia said quietly. "I just think this is all going to make Frank really, really sad, and I love him but – "

Gee sat up. She couldn't stop herself, not even putting in the effort to make it seem like she'd just awoken. Lindsey spun to face her, but it was too late, Gee was storming over, because fuck messy hair or morning breath, she was about to do this bitch in

"Gee, wait!" Jamia yelped – and maybe it was because she didn't actually want to hit Lindsey, or because Jamia had used her real name – but Gee stopped. "What the fuck is wrong with you all? Why would you lie to Frank?" Gee fumed.

"You've lied to him from the start!" Lindsey cried. "At least I'm trying to help someone other than myself!"

"By hurting two other people?" Gee asked, and Lindsey scoffed. "Like you weren't going to hurt him anyway, once you told him what you really are. What did you think he was going to do when he found out you were a guy? Marry you?"

"I'm not a guy!" Gee almost screamed, when suddenly Jamia spoke up. "Lindsey, we can't do this. We can't. It's wrong."

"What's wrong is dressing up as a girl to trick people!" Lindsey leaped to her feet, marching toward the door. "You know, I was trying to help you, Jamia. You and Frank could have been a thing – but if you're such a pussy, then I'll tell him myself!

"Lindsey, stop it," Jamia said quietly as Lindsey slammed the door. Gee got up to follow, her fingers stopping at the doorknob as she rattled it. "It's locked." Gee said. "Fuck, that bitch locked us in here!"

"I'm sorry, Gee." Jamia said as Gee groaned, walking over to her bed. Who the fuck made camp doors lockable? "I don't know when Lindsey became so . . ." Her voice hitched and Gee glanced over.

"Lindsey's dating Frank's brother." Gee explained, furrowing her brow. "He has cystic fibrosis, and he needs Frank's money. I'm sort of fucking that up, though."

"Oh," Jamia said, and Gee shrugged. "I thought she was a lesbian, too."

Jamia laughed a little, sniffling. "No, Lindsey's bi. I was surprised because she's doing all this for her boyfriend, and like, would I do that for Frank? Would I lie to people and make them cry?"

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