Chapter One

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I walk through the snowy woods with my good friend Mr. Tumnus. We had just run a few errands and are now on our way back to the hut. The snow crunch under my feet with every step I take. I'm beginning to hate the stupid snow. I pull my cloak closer together and look at Tumnus.

"Do you think this will ever end?" I ask him.


"This stupid war." I kick the snow under my boots, "I'm getting tired of all this retched snow!"

"We can't do anything without the help of daughters of Eve and the sons of Adam." He reminds me.

"I know, I just wish my sister would stop all this insanity and give up." Yes, my sister is the "Ice Queen", but we are nothing alike. She's evil, but I'm not. I'm not even entirely sure how we're related. I stop walking when I notice a little girl by a lamp post. We try to make our way around, but fail miserably. We run into the little girl and we all scream. She hides behind the lamp post and Tumnus and I hide behind a big tree. I watch the little girl from behind the tree as she slowly walks towards us and starts to pick up one of the things Mr. Tumnus was carrying. She looked really young. She can't be over 10. She doesn't seem so harmful. I get from behind my spot and begin to help her slowly.

"Were you hiding from me?" She asks handing Mr. Tumnus the package.

"No, well uh- I just I- uh, no, no - I just- I- I- I just um, didn't want to scare you." Mr. Tumnus stammers as he walks around picking up his things. The little girl chuckles.

"If you don't mind my asking, what are you?"

"Well- uh, I'm a faun." He tells her, "And what about you? You must be some kind of beardless dwarf?"

"She's obviously not a dwarf Tumnus." I roll my eyes at my faun friend.

"I'm a girl! And actually, I'm the tallest in my class." She smiles picking up the last thing and handing it to him. My eyes widen.

"Are you telling me, you're a daughter of Eve?" Tumnus asks the little girl.

"My mums name is Helen-"

"Yes, but you are in fact, human?" I cut her off.

"Yes of course. Aren't you?" She asks me.

"Not exactly." I tell her, "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I was hiding in the wardrobe in the spare room-"

"Spare Oom?" It was Mr. Tumnus' turn to cut her off, "Is that in Narnia?"

"Narnia? What's that?" She asks.

"Well, dear girl you're in it." Mr. Tumnus chuckles, "Everything from the lamp post to Castle Cair Paravel near the eastern oceans."

"Every stick and stone you see and icicle is, Narnia." I continue. She mutters something that I can't hear.

"Please allow me to introduce myself." He steps forward, "My name is Tumnus."

"And I'm Anna." I introduce myself.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. Tumnus and Anna, I'm Lucy Pevensie." She holds out her hand. Tumnus and I look at her weirdly, "Oh, you shake it."

"Why?" I ask.

"I- I don't know. People do it when they meet each other." She says. Mr. Tumnus shakes her hand back and forth and Lucy laughs.

"Well, Lucy Pevensie from the shining city of wardrobe in the wonderous spare oom. How'd it be, if you came and had tea with us." Mr. Tumnus tells her.

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