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Practise was over. Kobori patted Kise's back and Hayakawa put him in a headlock, well jumped and tried, before saying goodbye and leaving. Kise looked up smiling brightly at Kasamatsu. Kasamatsu couldn't stop himself from grinning back, Kise smiles - his genuine ones - were contagious.

"You told them to do that."

Kasamatsu carried on grinning as he shrugged, "I just mentioned, suggested maybe they should express their ... gratitude more. They just aren't used to doofuses who need everything spelled out for them." He punched Kise's arms lightly.

Kise just smiled more.

"Besides," Kasamatsu added, "you enjoyed it all the same."

Kise laughed, "true... true." he said quietly.

"You alright though?" Kasamatsu asked, seriously this time.

"Yeah," Kise sighed.

"You sure?"

Kise laughed again. "Yes, yes. I'm fine. I'm feeling better."

There was a silence, a comfortable silence - a silence between two people comfortable and happy with each other's company, even if it's just their presence.

"I saw Aominecchi last Saturday."

Kasamatsu stiffened. "What!? And you only tell me this now?"

"Ha! Senpai, being all protective! You caarree!" Kise teased.

"Shut up baka. He didn't, err, cause you any trouble or anything."

"No..no. I can look after myself you know? But no. He just came up to me when I was playing streetball. Ooh. Senpai! I was playing street ball with these guys. And it was so fun! We should play some time! One-on-one or we can bring the whole team...." Kise chattered on.

Kasamatsu chuckled, looking fondly at Kise. "Ahem Kise. You got distracted what happened with Aomine?"

"Oh yeah." Kise blushed slightly in embarrassment, "like I said, nothing. He came over and talked for a little while. It was a bit weird."

"Okay. That better be all it was. Now Kise you've been falling behind lately so we need to get you back on track, with progress and training. I know you're still not feeling great but I won't have someone on my team slacking off!"

"Sure thing captain!"

Okay. I'm just gonna stop counting *facepalm* 🎶AND IF ALL OUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. THEN WHY DO I KEEP COUNTING🎶 - soz, the killers there. Why do I keep counting? awesome song. Check it out.

Aomine x Kise x KasamatsuWhere stories live. Discover now