7: Just Finn

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Jack walked into the restaurant and instantly got a feeling. A feeling of...home. It was another hometown style diner, with a TV in the corner. He looked at the TV briefly, it was even on the news. The building was practically empty. There was just one girl sitting in a booth fixated on the TV, almost in a trance. Jack walked towards the teenage girl acting as server, who was also on their phone texting. Jack cleared his throat, and the girl looked at him.

“Hello. What can I get you?”

“What can I get for ten dollars?”

“Uh,” she looked at screen on the cash register, “A plain burger.”

“I'll take that.”

“Ok that'll be-” The girl in the booth jumped up and shot out the door. Jack turned around, and noticed her purse sitting in the booth. “Ten dol-” Jack ran to her purse, and grabbed it, running out the door in hopes of finding her. “-lars. I hate this job.”

Jack looked around, but couldn’t seem to see the girl anywhere. He turned to go back, but ran into a man.

“Watch it kid.” Jack looked up at the blonde man. He looked familiar.

“Didn't I bump into you bef-”

“Why do you have a purse?” The man narrowed his eyes as he looked down at the purse.

“It's not mine.”

“Oh? You stole a purse? I can see why. It's very fashionable, looks good on you.” The man smirked, and stuck his hands in his coat pockets.

“No, that's not what happened! I'm returning it!”

“Ah, I see! A hero! Well have fun with that, our little chat is done.” The man walked past Jack, but Jack called out to him.

"Who are you?"

"Stephen Steele." The man spun around and gave a mock bow.



"Can I call you Steve?"

"Finn.” The man gritted his teeth together.

"Okay…” Jack trailed off. If he wanted to be stubborn... “Stephen it is."

"Just Finn." The man sighed. He looked down at the purse.

"Oh, okay. Got it. Finn. I'm Jack." 

“Great, don't care.” Finn grabbed the purse out of his hands, and started rifling through the purse.

“What are you doing!” Jack tried to get it back.

“Helping you.” Finn pulled the wallet out of the purse, and dropped the purse in the trashcan next to him.

“What's wrong with you? You can't just rummage through someone else's stuff then throw it away!”

“Why not? It's the only thing they would've cared about in there. Nothing else was valuable.”

“That's not how it works!”

“How did you plan on returning it if you didn't know where she lives, huh?” Jack remained silent. He was right. “Do you want to return her wallet or not?”

“Yes.” Jack relented.

“I can help you then, if you can help me with something first.”

“Ok.” Jack sighed.

“Perfect, follow me.” Finn led him to a red convertible. The same one he'd seen at the last fire, was he responsible? What had he just agreed to?

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