23: The Price of Betrayal

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Jaden walked down the hall. He needed to talk with Ali, he couldn’t stay here any longer. Between Finn wanting his blood and Jack’s compassion, he wouldn’t make it. He couldn’t. He didn’t deserve either of their actions. He betrayed their trust, sure, but it was for his family! They needed that money. His abuela needed it for her treatments, and his family back in California couldn’t support themselves, let alone her medical care. That was the only reason he did it. It’s not like Finn was perfect, he was far from it. He broke a lot of laws, and trust, to get what he wanted, he was worse than Jaden. Right? Jaden sighed. He was a prisoner too anyways. He couldn’t leave, just like the other two. It’s just that, it wasn’t a locked door keeping him here. Jaden knocked on the door, and wiped his forehead. Was it hotter, or was he just that nervous?

“Who’s there?” Ali’s voice responded.

“It’s Jaden, sir.” Jaden coughed.

“Come in.”

Jaden creaked the door open. Ali was seated at a desk, writing something. He laid down his pen, and turned towards Jaden, who still stood in the doorway.

“Come in! I don’t bite.” Ali smiled, waving towards himself. Jaden stepped in and closed the door. “What is it you need?”

“I was wondering if I could take a short break to go see my family.” Jaden lowered his head, sheepishly.

“Of course! You need a car still, don’t you? I’ll get you a new one.”

“Really? Er- Thank you, sir.”

“Oh please. Call me Gibbar. That’s my name, my first name.” Ali held up his finger before Jaden could protest, “I feel like we’re connected. A kindred spirit. We’re both so selflessly family-oriented.” Ali smiled again. Jaden cleared his throat and looked down. That was the last thing he wanted to hear right now.

“Thank you for your generosity, sir- ah, Gibbar. But with all due respect, I’d like my own car. But it did run into some issues…”

“No problem, I’ll have the men replace the plates, and repair any damages!” Ali looked down at his watch. “Ah, but in the meantime I think our guests need feeding.” Ali turned back to his desk and waved towards the door.

“Thank you again.” Jaden nodded and turned.

“Please do give your grandmother something on my behalf.” Ali called as Jaden walked out the door.

Jaden carried the plate of food into Jack’s room. He had knocked of course, but there was no response, so he let himself in. Jack was asleep as expected, so Jaden set the food down on the little desk, and turned to leave. He didn’t want to wake him, or stay any longer than he had to for that matter. But Jaden couldn’t help it. He was asleep, sure, but he didn’t seem at peace in his rest, he seemed fitful and unhappy. Was this because he was stuck here, was it because of what Jaden did? Jaden rubbed his head.

“Ay, little hermano, why do you do this to me?” Jaden mumbled, glancing at the door. Then deciding it was safe, he grabbed a slip of paper off the desk, and wrote a note. Then slipping it under the plate, he woke Jack. “Food’s here.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“Don’t thank me hermano, I don’t deserve it.” Jaden responded leaving the room.

“Well I’ll thank you all the same!” Jack called through the door. He stared at the door briefly, then turned and grabbed his food. That’s when he saw the note. He quickly traded the food for the note, and unfolded it. Jack smiled. Jaden was going to break them out. Both of them. He just had to make sure Finn didn’t share any information. Jack happily folded the paper again, and ate his food.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2020 ⏰

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