19: Hello Hello

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Marshal sat at his desk staring off into space. He’d cleared his desk already. There was no point having all of those files around anymore, he just had the one sitting on his desk now. On his computer screen an email was displayed with audio files attached. The audio files were in fact two separate calls about Finn being spotted after seeing the amber alert. Of course even with the email being open, he hadn’t listened. The moment he saw the email he had lost any sense of focus and concept of time. A knock came from the door, and Sparrow poked her head in. Marshal didn’t move, so she took that as a sign to come in and sit down. Marshal noticed her walk in, and could hear her voice droning on, but he couldn’t focus long enough to actually hear her. Sparrow reached her hand out, her bracelets clacking as she snapped in front of his face. Marshal blinked and looked at Sparrow.

    “You back in the land of the living?” Sparrow smiled.

    “Yeah, I think so. What were you talking about?”

    “Is that file the missing child?” She pointed at the lone file on Marshal’s desk.

    “Yeah.” He sighed, handing her the file.

    “So what’s got you so out of it today?” She opened the file and glanced down the page. “I mean you stood by the coffee pot staring at the wall for a good 10 minutes before coming back to your office.” She looked up. “You didn’t even get any coffee.”

    “I got two diferent reports about the amber alert I sent out.” He turned his computer screen towards Sparrow. “Which is great and all, but they got away and switched cars before anyone could catch them, so I don’t know where they are, and I’m really worried about him.” Marshal rubbed his temples. If he couldn’t find Finn before he did something stupid, he wouldn’t be able to save him this time.

    “Don’t worry too much about the kid. I’m sure we’ll find them. Just stay positive!” She furrowed her eyebrows as she thought. “The audio files are a dead end...have you checked the boy’s phone to see if you can find him that way?”

    “Yep. Unfortunately, his phone is dead, or shut off, or…” Marshal looked into Sparrow’s eyes with a deep pleading pain, “or burnt to a crisp.”

    “Burnt to a crisp? Do you think this has something to do with those fires?” Sparrow sat forward, her eyes growing wider in shock.

    “No!” He turned away and stared at the wall. “No, it’s just that...I don’t know. All I know is I can’t find the kid. I have no options left, I have to let it play out and hope for some new information.” Sparrow looked at him concerned. She sighed.

    “You know you still have one option left. I don’t like the idea much myself! You know I don’t like him much, but it’s the only option you have right now. All you have to do is call him. I’m sure he’d-”

    “Sparrow, I have no clue who you’re talking about. Stop playing the pronoun game and get to the point.”


    Marshal laughed. “No.” If Sparrow knew what he knew, she wouldn’t want Finn’s help.

    “I know you’re mad at him right now, but this is a kid’s life on the line!”

    “You don’t understand the irony here, but trust me, calling Finn isn’t going to work.”

    “It can’t hurt.”

    “Fine. I’ll call him.” Marshal pulled out his phone, and called Finn. “Don’t be too surprised when he doesn’t answer, though.” He set the phone on the table and turned on the speaker phone.

    “Don’t you mean if?”

    “No, I mean when.” The phone rang out without an answer. “See? Finn’s not interested in cooperating.”

    “I’m sure he has a reason!”

    “Oh, he has a reason.” Marshal grumbled.

    “Hey! Stop it, Marshal. You’re his only friend, don’t sell him short. I don’t like him and he has the biggest head in the world, I mean he is a terrible person, but that’s never stopped you from defending him in the past.” She tilted her head to be in his line of sight. “What’s gotten into you? This isn’t about the child is it?”

    “He’s done something really...out of character. But it was something I should have seen and could have prevented. And now I have to grovel at his feet to get him to help me with it.”

    “Well maybe you could work it out if you call him. Try again, maybe he just didn’t have his phone on him. He might answer this time.”

    “Ok.” Marshal sighed and nodded. “I’ll try again.” He turned his phone on again, and called. He waited. There was no answer. Marshal slammed his hands on his desk and cursed.


    “That idiot!” Marshal shot up and started pacing. “That absolute child! He’s throwing a tantrum. That’s why he’s not answering. He’s been ignoring all of my calls since the fire case! And now!” Marshal yelled, and hit the glass wall.

    “Marshal, sit down!” Sparrow stood with a flame in her eyes. Marshal turned, and upon seeing her gaze immediately shrunk back into his chair.“I get that you’re frustrated with him! But he’s always stupid. I need you to pull yourself together and think about that missing child who is currently in danger and not your little childish feud. I couldn’t care less about how you and Steele are doing! I am taking time out of my busy time to help you! I had to work hard to get where I am, and I look up to you! I’m starting to regret it now that I know how much of a shrimp of a man you are! Now if you don’t keep calling Finn until he answers or you find that kid, I swear to God-” She noticed that Marshal was looking behind her, and she turned. Half the department was watching through the windows. Sparrow breathed deeply, flashed a ‘leave or I kill you’ smile out the window, and sat back down. She looked at Marshal. “Look. I’m sorry. I’m just very passionate about my job and about people. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, and it feels like you’re just letting it happen.”

    “I understand. I am being a bit...stubborn. I’ll keep calling him until he picks up. If you want to go work on your cases now you’re free to go. I’m sorry.” He called again. “I’ll update you if I get anything.”

    “Ok. I’ll see you later then.” She stood to leave, but stopped when she heard Finn’s exacerbated voice.

    “I’m kind of busy here…”

Yes my dear children and readers over the age of whatever you consider an adult! (Personally I think it's 21 but back to what I was saying) I'm off hiatus! I'm currently in the process of completing the next chapter, which is personally my favorite (which may mean you're gonna need to emotionally prepare yourself considering my track record) so anyways, glad to be back! We only have 9-10 chapters left in this book. Get ready! It only gets worse from here.
See y'all next week ;)

The Heritage of Sephtis: The ReturningOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz