I Did an Oops, Sorry

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Hey guys!

So, uh, i forgot to write this week and I feel bad leaving ya’ll with nothing…

So I did a thing!

“Yeah, yeah,” I hear you say, “get to the point, what did you do?”

Well, that’s a good question! I decided to do something ‘festive’ since Thanksgiving is coming up soon for us US-ians, I decided to make a short Q&A with ALL the main characters you have met so far, including those from the first book The Awakening. This Q&A is basically me just asking them what they’re thankful for this year (of course it’s at the point the book takes place so it’s actually what they were thankful for for 2017 but we’re not going to talk about that) and so here it is, in order of appearance:

What are you thankful for this year?

VARA: Well, this year has been pretty boring and normal, up until this point... so I guess I’m thankful for this adventure I’m getting to go on, even if I have to eventually go back home.

THERON: I’m thankful for...well I don’t think I should be saying this so prematurely, especially since nothing is certain yet, but my wife told me the day before I left with Vara that she thinks she might be pregnant. It just excites me to think that there could be a little me running around soon, especially since we were starting to worry that children may not be possible. Ah, but don’t tell anyone! She wants it to stay secret a little longer…

BALAK: I’m thankful for the Prophets being so stupid in their appointments of people to fulfill their little ‘prophecy’. It should make it very easy for me to take my throne.

JUSTINE: Well, I don’t know. There’s so many things that I could be thankful for. And there’s a lot of things that didn’t happen this year that I’m very thankful for. And I, I mean s-so many options how can I choose one? *nervous laugh* Ok, I just forgot what happened this year, It kinda goes by fast when your *ahem* very old. But I’m thankful for the prophecy finally being set in motion, I guess. It’s been something bugging me in the back of my mind ever since my father and I returned, and so it’s nice to know that we'll be rid of the problem soon.

EARH: I’m thankful that it rained, because they delayed the execution date.

FINN: I don’t get ‘thankful’, certain things make me happy, but I’m not thankful. What’s the point in being thankful to something when no one and nothing caused it except for the natural-(me: Just answer the question.) Fine! I’m thankful that Jaden gave me an excuse to prove to Marshal that he needs me.

MARSHAL: I’m thankful for Finn getting some sense beat into him when he gave up that fire case, but I am kind of-ok very worried about his relations to that runaway boy.

JADEN: I’m thankful for --REDACTED-- Oh wait, that’s probably not something I can talk about right now, is it, since it could be a spoiler. Well, I guess I’m thankful for my little hermano then, even if it means he’s in the same dangerous situations that Finn is in.

JACK: I’m thankful for my mom and dad’s hard work this year to provide food and shelter and clothing for me. I’m thankful for the friends I have right now. I’m thankful for the people that stood up to the bullies on my behalf. I’m thankful that the bullies learned their lessons, and I hope they change their ways. I’m thankful for the letter I got which allowed me to start this journey. I’m thankful for God’s help in my travels, providing me the opportunity to continue forward, but also to bless others. I’m thankful for the people who have helped me along the way. I’m thankful for the old man who taught me a valuable lesson. I’m thankful for the youth group and the ministers who provided me food and money. I’m thankful for Jaden’s help. I’m thankful for Finn helping me and guiding me towards my goal, even if he doesn’t realize it. I’m thankful for the police officer who is helping Finn. I’m thankful for-(me: Ok, I get it you can stop now!)

SPARROW: Every year around this time I actually do think about what I’m thankful for in my life. And every year I come up with new answers kind of themed around the big things that happened that year, but every year I’m reminded of how far I got and how hard I worked to get to where I am now. I guess that’s all I can be thankful for. It’s nice when I get a promotion or I form a new relationship with someone, but that’s all due to the thing I’m most thankful for every year. My hardwork and strong spirit.

And that is everyone. I thought about including Mr. Ali since you’ve heard of him already, and, wouldn’t you guess it, he’s the main villain, but I feel like It’s kind of cheating since you haven’t actually met him yet. So…guess you don’t get to know what he’s thankful for.

But anyways. Sorry I didn't write this week, I'll get a chapter out next week. Have a great week!

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