2. Hunter

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Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, I paced back and forth, trying to get my thoughts in order.  I could still hear the shower running so I knew Max was taking his own time to come to terms with what happened, but fuck, what had we done.

We had found her in the garden, away from the noise and crowd, alone and she looked so beautiful in the moonlight that we couldn't stop ourselves from stealing a kiss, just one kiss each, as a leaving present.  Her eyes had widened and a rosy blush had stained her cheeks, her eyes hiding from us as we had closed in on her, Max pulling her up into his arms and kissing her, gently before she moaned and he deepened the kiss. I had moved behind her, trapping her between our bodies, something which featured prominently in our fantasies about Lily.

Max released her and she had stared at him breathlessly before he grinned and turned her to face me, allowing me to claim her, her lips parting under the brush of my tongue, her hands clutching my shirt as the kiss went on.

The loud laughter through the window had broken the spell and we watched as she'd panicked and fled from us, and by the time we made it back inside she was at Aunt Lucy's side and acting like she was ignoring us, but I could feel her eyes on us as we moved around the room.

The look in her eyes had more than sealed her fate, as if it wasn't already but I also saw the fear.

When Logan had cornered us after she had run back to Aunt Lucy's side, he had known something had happened and we had told him, watching the anger flare across his face as he warned us off, but not completely, his warning was only while she was at university, his words "Not while she is at school" had given us hope that the family wouldn't totally reject the idea of Lily with us.

Paris had also stopped us on the way out at the end of the evening and given us her approval but cautioned us to go slow, warning that in keeping Lily away from boys, she had remained innocent and would not understand our intentions. I shook my head it seemed our siblings were more aware than we realised, luckily the parents still didn't suspect anything.

Max and I had been silent on the way home, each of us thinking about Lily.  We had watched over her since she was a baby, our mom and hers best friends, so close that as children we spent more time with each other's siblings than our other friends. We had been fascinated with her curly red hair and bright green eyes and where we were identical twins, Lily and her brother looked nothing alike. Logan was sporty and hated being inside, the total opposite of Lily. As a baby we had both been able to calm her and her first steps were between the two of us, that was only one of the milestones we had been with her for. She was our baby sister... till suddenly she wasn't and our feelings for her grew into something more.
Her Eighteenth birthday had been the turning point for us accepting how we felt. Lily was our quiet nerd, lost in her books and often unaware of the chaos around her. We had missed seeing her when we moved into our flat in Oxford,  but when Uncle Paul had said she would be attending University here we had seen opportunities to see her more.

I thought of the news I had heard this evening, Lily was in co-ed dorms, with people she had never met.  I hated the idea and wished we could offer her our spare room but knew she would reject it, even though I knew she would be uncomfortable at first.

Uncle Paul had pulled us aside tonight and asked us to keep an eye on Lily, once she arrived. To make sure she was okay, knowing that Lily would grin and bare it, rather than ask for her from her parents.  We had happily agreed knowing this would give us a reason to check up on her and if needs be, ensure she was safe and well.

Max appeared at the door and I poured him a drink, handing it to him before topping up my glass and we looked at each other in silence before finally giving in and smiling.

"No going back now" Max said raising his glass to me.
"Nope, let's hope she's ready for us" I reply, taking a drink.
"She will be" Max replies firmly and I grin, hoping he is right.

Possessive: Always Theirs (Kingswood Saga Book 3) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now