3. Lily

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"Thanks Daddy" I smiled at him as he dropped the last of my bags inside the door, before looking around and frowning. I knew what he was seeing, the room was tired and small but they were all like this and I didn't mind the small room as it had an ensuite, so I wouldn't have to fight the others for the bathroom in the mornings. I shuddered at the thought of sharing a bathroom with strangers anyway. I hide my feelings, truth be told, I was disappointed in the room but there was nothing I could do about it now.

"Lily, are you sure, we can find somewhere else" he said still looking round.

"Dad, I'm sure, its only for this year and then I have to find somewhere, the uni like us to stay in halls the first year, and there are advisors to help us settle in" I told him and he pulls me into a hug. I was glad mom had gone with Logan today to drop him off as I knew she would have pushed harder.

"If you change your mind or need anything, please tell us, none of that I can manage bullshit. call us" he said and I smile nodding "I will" I promise.

"And don't forget the twins live in town, so if you cant reach me, promise me you will call them" Dad said and I stayed quiet, not wanting to make any promises I wasn't going to keep.

Noise in the hallway alerted us to the other dorm residents and I grasped the opportunity to change the topic by opening the door, regretting it the moment I do as the smell of weed hits us first before a guy carrying a guitar appears.

"Hey girl, I'm Robbie" the guy says holding out his arms, causing dad to growl at him and Robbie to jump and fidget as Dad studies him.

"Sorry, I'm Lily" I say stepping forward and shaking one hand as he shifts uncomfortably.

"Good to meet yah, i'm in room 3 next door. Nick is in room 4 the other side of me, he's a cool guy, I've been talking with him on facebook, he's arriving later" he tells me and I nod.

We both turn as the dorm door opens and a tall blond girl steps in, followed by a smaller blond and an older lady who are weighted down with bags. Dad steps forward to help the older woman who looked to be struggling and I follow helping the younger girl. Robbie watches from behind us, but doesn't offer any help.

The blond looks at us, her eyes scanning over Robbie and pulling back in a sneer before landing on me. "I'm Imogen, I have room 1" she introduces herself, pushing open the door and looking inside, a mutter "Urgh" as she surveys the room before turning to the women with her.

"Put my things in there, and Tory can you make the bed for me, I know I have sheets in one of these bags. Mum is taking me shopping for food, and if you're finding the sheets, can you unpack as well" she tells them and I watch the brief flash of anger over the younger girls face.

"Imogen, don't order your sister around" the older woman says quietly, but Imogen has already turned away from her and back to us.

"I'm Robbie, room 3" he introduces himself before she looks at me and I stutter out "Lily, room 2"

"Where is the fourth person?" she asks and Robbie replies, about him arriving late.

"Right, well, I will keep out of your way and I expect you to keep out of mine" she says looking down at us before turning back into her room, just as Dad came out.

"Okay then, you changed your mind yet?" he asks as Robbie disappears into his room and we hear Imogen ordering her sister about, and we head into the kitchen to make a coffee.

"Dad, come on, i've only just got here, at least give me a chance to hate it" I groan and he laughs as he starts unpacking the food we brought with us into my cupboard, sending me off to unpack my room.

We hear Imogen and her mother leave and I feel sorry for her sister, I poke my head around the door to see if she would like a drink or any help but she says no, looking surprised but thankful at the offer.

Two hours later I have finished setting up my room and dad is getting ready to leave, we had already done a FaceTime call with mom and Logan, whose dorm room looked much better that mine and I was feeling teary.

"Any time you want us, call us" he said emotionally pulling me into a tight hug and I held on tight, wanting those last few moments, where he stood in front of me, protecting me from the world.

"I love you Daddy" I said pulling back and letting him go, as I wipe my eyes.

"Promise you will check in regularly" he ordered and I nod silently.

"I love you too baby" he said kissing my forehead and finally leaving me to turn back to my room.

I curl up on the bed, feeling the fear of being on my own creep over me and I wonder how soon it will be before I feel comfortable. I don't know how to get to know people and here I was with a dorm full of strangers. My phone pings with a text and I swipe the screen to see a message from Dad.

"Have ordered your favourite pizza, and its big enough for you to share with your room mates. if you want to. it will be there in 20 minutes. Enjoy x"

I grin, loving my dad for thinking of a way to help me settle in.

I knock on Robbie's door and tell him and he's happy to join me, but Imogen is still not back, however her sister is sat in the room looking out of the window, her shoulders down, I knock on the open door and she jumps turning to me.

"Hey, i've got pizza coming if you are hungry and want to join us" I tell her and she nods, glancing once more out the window. I look at the room to see she has unpacked everything they brought and its ready for her sister. "You did a good job, the room looks great" I told her and she smiled a genuine smile before saying "Thank you" and following me to the kitchen.

Robbie answered the door collecting the pizza and placing it on the table as I pulled out plates and drinks, each of us tucking in hungrily. "Should I save some for your sister?" I ask Tory but she shakes her head "She won't eat carbs" she relied and Robbie laughed, saying he would eat her bit, if I didn't want it and I pushed the box his way, after checking Tory was done and knowing I was full.

It turned out appearances could be deceiving as Robbie was studying History and Politics and Tory told us Imogen was studying music, I could see Tory biting her lip as she talked about her sister and was glad my brother had always treated me and our parents with respect. Tory was two years younger than us and Imogen was apparently a big thing at home with her musical ability and played on it.

A couple of my Classic and English classes overlapped with Robbie's, so we started talking about the information we had received, until Imogen returned an hour later with her mother, passing the shopping bag to Tory as she declared she was tired out by moving and Robbie and I rolled our eyes as she shut the door to her room, leaving Tory and her mum stood there.

Robbie and I helped them unload the bags into Imogen's cupboard, again feeling sorry for Tory as her mum apologised they had been so long but Imogen had decided she was hungry and wanted a last meal with her. Tory rolled her eyes but assured her mum it was fine that she had eaten with us and I accepted the thanks she offered as they got ready to leave, tapping on room 1 door and calling out to say they were leaving and getting a mumbled "goodbye" in return.

Robbie and I looked at each other once they were gone and shook our heads "Diva" Robbie warned and I smiled, "Lets hope Nick is better" I laughed before saying goodnight.

I got ready for bed slowly, glad I had got through the first evening. Reaching for my phone there was a number goodnight texts from Dad, Mom and Logan, I sent a joint reply back, telling them about my evening and thanking Dad again for the pizza, laughing when Logan moaned he didn't get a pizza and it was unfair.

I smiled at the banter, laying back and listening to the sounds of my new space, until my phone lit up with another message.

'Goodnight Angel H x M x' I felt my heart jump as I read the message, my finger hovering over the reply icon.

'Goodnight L x' I typed and hit send before I could chicken out.

Possessive: Always Theirs (Kingswood Saga Book 3) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now