14. Hunter

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I found Lily's note and swore at the same time my phone rang and Robbie's name flashed up.
"Yes" I say, rushing down the hall to the study, giving Max the note, as my world stopped at Robbie's words.
"There's been an accident. Lily..."
"Where is she?" I bark and wait for his reply.
"They're taking her to the John Radcliffe, I'm at the dorms waiting for the Police, there are witnesses, a car drove directly at her, before driving off" he sounds agonised and I know from his voice, the driver was Melissa.
"We're on our way" I hang up and turn to Max and Uncle Paul.

"Lily's been hurt, she's on her way to hospital" I say grabbing the car keys and my jacket, Max and Uncle Paul following me as we rush to get to her.
"How and where" Uncle Paul sounded shocked and I understand why, we all thought Lily was still in the flat, we hadn't heard her leave, and I had only just found the note.

"She went to confront Imogen, she was run over in front of the dorms, we thinks its Melissa, the description of the driver matches her, but she drove off" I tell them.
"Was it deliberate?" Max asked and I nodded abruptly.
"Yes, witnesses saw it happen, Robbie is with them waiting for the police" I say and growl at the traffic ahead of me as we approach the hospital.
"I'll drop you off and park, find her and i'll find you" I tell Max, breaking to a stop at the accident and emergency entrance.

My heart is racing while I search for a parking spot, not knowing how she is. Finally parked I texted Max and headed for the entrance, hoping he would be able to text me where they are.
I find them still waiting for information, still at reception and can see the frustration on Max's face.

Uncle Paul is typing away furiously on his phone, in between glaring at the receptionist.
"She's been brought in but they won't let us back to see her, not even Uncle Paul, he was going to try and pull some strings" Max whispered, as we watched the stand off. We take a seat and wait.
20 minutes later and a tall older man appears by the reception desk, speaks to the woman there before coming over and shaking Uncles hand.
"Paul, good to see you, sorry it's in these circumstances, when Lucy called I came as soon as I could" he said.
Uncle Paul turned to introduce us, "Grant, this is Teddy's eldest boys, Max and Hunter, they are Lily's boyfriends" he said and I looked at him shocked. He knew?
"Boys, this is Dr Grant Johnston, he is director of fundraising here at the hospital, both Lucy and your mom have done a lots of work with Grant fundraising for the charity" he tells us before turning back to Grant.
"My daughter?"
"She's a bit bruised and battered, she has two cracked ribs and a broken left arm, apart from that she has a mild concussion. The doctor has sent her off to have a cast put on her arm, and they want to keep her in for observation, probably 24 hours, maybe 48 depending on how she is.  From what Lucy said, she's at a potential risk until the person is caught, so I've arranged for her to be moved up to the private ward once her cast is done."
Uncle Paul, sagged a little in relief but I couldn't yet, not until I saw her.
"Can we see her?" I asked, knowing we all wanted to see for ourselves.
"Yes, I'll take you up to her room, and get her doctor to give you an update when he can, obviously what's happened is very stressful to both her and you, but try to keep calm, she will need that" he warned and we all nodded, following him into the bowels of the hospital.
Uncle Paul and Dr Johnston were talking about The charity but as we followed them all I could think about was Lily and the fact Uncle Paul knew we wanted her. I looked at Max who also looked lost in thought, had he told the parents?
"I can hear you thinking. No, I've said nothing to the parents, I wouldn't without telling you first" Max whispered quietly.
"Then how?" I reply, my eyes on Uncle Paul's back.

Dr Johnston shows us into a private ward, introducing Uncle Paul to the staff nurse and then showing us to What will be Lily's room while she is here. The room is empty and the nurse tells him she is still in casting, but will be up soon, she indicates a relatives room which has hot drinks and snacks available if we want them, before heading back to her desk.
Dr Johnston says goodbye and we are left with Uncle Paul. I share a look with Max.
"How do You know we like Lily?" I ask and he chuckles.
"Boys, it's been obvious to all of us, for months now, as soon as you knew she was coming to Oxford it was more, then at her going away party something happened. I had hoped it would wait until she finished university but as Lucy says, it was bound to happen sooner"
"And you're okay with it?" Max asks surprised.
"Why wouldn't I be. Because there's two if you, and it's not considered normal" his fingers making inverted commas in the air at his words "Anyway, Teddy and Lucy have informed me they always knew it would happen, they are already talking weddings and babies"
"What!" Max looked panicked but I just smiled, relieved the family backed us, we knew Logan and Paris were okay with it. Now we just needed to get Lily to agree.

A noise at the door alerted us just before it opened and Lily was wheeled into the room. I felt red hot rage as I looked at her broken and battered body, as she lay looking almost as white as the sheets on her bed, the neon pink cast on her arm the one bright spot.

Uncle Paul rushed forward , pausing not knowing where to touch her, that wouldn't cause her any pain, I watched as she lifted her hand to his and squeezed, a low moan coming from her as she moved.

Max and I stepped closer, as the nurse stepped back having linked her up to a couple of machines.

"The doctor will be along shortly to see you, keep it calm and avoid stress please" the nurse said leaving us.

"Lily?" Uncle Paul says gaining her attention.

I watched a lone tear slide down her cheek and feel my heart clench.

"Daddy, it hurts" she groaned and Uncle Paul let out a gasping chuckle.

"Oh Lil, that tends to happen when you get hit by a car, what do you remember?"

"My locket, I wanted my locket back, I wasn't going to be long and you were busy, the road was clear, I checked and then bam" she whispered, looking agitated.

I shared a look with Max, we needed to get that locket as soon as possible.

Possessive: Always Theirs (Kingswood Saga Book 3) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now