1 | Lotuses Alongside Dreams

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"I will always remember the simple days when we were both in our own world, together..."

The light taps of her tears meeting the lake could be heard echoing among the trees. As she sat there, her legs dangling over the surface of the water. Her hands desperately trying to wipe away the tears that had welled up in her eyes.

Her mind replaying the blurred image of all her classmates, laughing at her, their laughs barely audible. As she continued crying and gasping for air, her future already ridden for failure. She could barely perform a simple magic trick. What would her great family think of her now?

In a continuous replay in her mind, she recalled running out of her classroom as soon as they all started laughing, grabbing her bag, and quickly sprinting through the forest that was at the back of the academy. Until she found a lake, one that's never been mentioned before, normally she doesn't venture this far out on her own but she just didn't want to go home yet. She couldn't bring it upon herself to face anyone.

She slowly uncovered her face, wiping away her last few teardrops. As she listened to the calming symphony of the flowing water. The lake showing the reflection of her in a delicate pink dress and her glossy eyes.

As she slowly removed her bracelet decorated with a pink lotus, placing it in the water. The lotus slowly drifting away with the current of the stream. Her hand placed itself on her other bracelet slowly sliding it towards her fingers.

She stopped once she noticed a light pink lotus drifting towards her right. Her eyes widened as she noticed the direction of the current moving around frantically. The faint sounds of splashing water could be heard.

She stood up and moved towards the direction of the sound. Pushing aside some of the leaves to investigate the odd matter. As she kept going, the shape of a figure slowly formed.

Her eyes widened when she saw a petite lass gently tossing pink lotuses into the water. But what really caught her eye was the girl's appearance. The dress she wore resembled withering petals in a way. Her hair was of a bright blondish colour which was barely above shoulder length.

Though what really stood out about this mysterious maiden was the large wing-like leaves that weighed on her shoulders. For a moment, she was lost at words. Confused on whether to approach the stranger or just simply leave her alone.

She remained still as the girl slowly turned around and was now, aware of her presence. What caught her eye were the maiden's light azure eyes, a ray of sunlight reflecting off of it. As the lass just simply stared at her, her eyes widening slightly, allowing a moment of silence to ensue.

"Guinevere Baroque!" The maiden exclaimed, her mouth agape for a moment, but then taking in the moment properly. She stared at her brightly and muttered softly, "I can't believe it, you're finally here."

Guinevere stared at her in confusion. The lass was ecstatic for some reason. "Excuse me, but who are you?" She questioned in her demanding, harsh tone, genuinely confused by the girl's words. She doesn't recalled meeting her or anyone who may resemble her.

The maiden stood up, a sweet smile graced her lips as she looked at Guinevere with admiration. "Don't worry, I don't matter much. I'm just very happy to finally meet you! The daughter of the prestigious family. A line of some of the best warriors and mages in history!" She paused, taking a breath, "I've heard many things about you. You are certainly a excellent mage."

The lass stared at her, admiring her delicate, pink dress. It was different from her usual violet gown. Yet she still looked elegant. She had always admired the Baroque's daughter and to be standing before her presence right now was none other than her own dream coming true.

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