Don't Look At Me

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Few people know how
tender you are...

He wasn't upset. He tries not to be, most of the time. Especially over small matters like this.

But he can't but feel really lonely over it.

Alucard and Harith had decided to went out to some carnival by themselves. Without him. He can't blame them though. Everytime they brought him there, he would spew out complaints at every little thing that comes in his path. So the two had concluded that he may not have been a fan of carnivals.

Thus, they excluded him out of it, this time.

He kinda expected that that would happen eventually but not a few mere days before Christmas. A time when you should be with your closest friends and family or so he thought. As he slowly trudged through the snow on the dimly lit street. There was barely anyone and almost all the shops had closed by now. And dusk had just taken lapse.

Though he knew despite all this, a small little convenient shop would still be opened, one that he would often visits to pick up his favourite newspapers. So that he can drown out all his sorrows with a good read, in the dark.

He stopped at the glass, staring intently at the display case. There was a variety of chocolates being sold at a sale now. It was one of those small little weaknesses he had that no one knew about. Though he quickly snapped himself out of it and strode towards the glass door, pushing it open and being greeted by the sound of a small Christmas bell.

The cashier gave him a wide smile, “Merry Christmas, Granger.”

He nodded back awkwardly. The glow the cashier had was difficult to ignore. She was always very cheerful and joyous over everything. He always wondered how.

Instead he proceeded on towards the newspaper section to look for that one particular brand of newspaper he adored. Though the brand wasn't very popular in the Land of Dawn so it was always difficult to search for it. Once he found the only copy on the stand, he would snatch it swiftly despite there being no other customers in the shop.

Once he safely tucked his newspaper in his grasp, he glanced around the shop a few times for any other necessities. Though his eyes immediately locked onto the chocolate display case. The bright lights emitting off of it made it impossible for him to not notice. So he gave in to his weakness.

His hand reached out and grabbed one box quickly, hiding it underneath his newspaper.

Another warm smile formed on the cashier's face once he approached the counter slowly. He placed his items onto the surface of the counter and quickly glanced around the shop again. Once again, there was no one else. Despite this, he always felt like someone was watching and judging him.

“That will be 450 BP, Granger.”

His head immediately turned back towards her and he dug through his wallet for any coins he might had and wanted to dispose of. But he imagined how impatient the cashier must've felt and just reluctantly handed over his 500 BP note. A pout forming beneath his collar as he watched the cash register dispense a bunch of coins.

He quickly gathered all his stuff and waved gently towards the cashier. Before he could leave, she stopped him and conjured out a keychain from her counter. He stared at it, intently. It was a stuffed bear, which as much as he hates to admit it, was absolutely adorable.

“We have a special deal for Christmas. For every purchase that costs more than 300 BP, you get the option of adopting a cute little bear!” She explained, ecstatically, her eyes sparkling at him. She waved it around in front of him.

He opened his mouth but stopped, unable to utter anything. He definitely doesn't want to be seen around with it but he found it difficult to reject. It's black eyes piercing at him made him feel more guilty. He doesn't even know why he's sympathising with a stuffed toy, it was just his nature.

“Oh, please, Granger! It's begging to come home with you!” She added, giving him a pout.

He sighed and gently clutched it in his hands before quickly shoving it into his plastic bag and muttering softly to himself, “If you insist.”

He turned back to the cashier, giving her his approving nod, “Thank you, Lunox.” Before treading towards the door, pushing it open, the small Christmas bell ringing again, he turned back one last time to see the petite girl waving a frantic goodbye at him.

Once he was back on the pavement, he noticed the Christmas lights now shining brightly which immediately reminded him that he'd be spending the night all by himself. He shook his head and whilst he trudged down the street, he took a sharp turn into a alleyway.

Once he was out of the main public eye, he sat down and unwrapped his box of chocolates. Sliding open the lid, carefully. He loosening his red scarf and pulled down his collar. In which he then proceeded to stuff his mouth with the small, decorated chocolate. After months of avoiding chocolate to maintain his reputation, he could finally satisfy his aching sweet tooth.

He stopped for a moment, admiring the cutesy decorated chocolate that he never thought he'd be associated with. Unknown to most people, the death chanter had a secret, soft spot for cute things. His greatest fault.

A few more glances around the alley before he dug out the keychain he had acquired earlier. It's fur was surprisingly soft in his hands and he was tempted to hug the stuffed bear. He could hear Lunox's voice in the back of his head, yelling at him to hug it. He placed the bear against his chest as he closed his eyes, imagining the descending snowflakes dancing around him.

Would it be too late now to join Alucard and Harith?

Even if he hated carnivals.

He sighed for what seemed to be the umpteenth time that night and was prepared to call it a day. Until he heard the sound of faint footsteps, his eyes instantly opened wide, and he looked up to see a figure approaching him. Before they could even get close, he hissed at them, venomously.

“Don't look at me.”


Okay, so this crap was supposed to be published a couple hours ago but then I had to go and when I came back and reread it, it was literal crap. xd But I'm too lazy to rewrite it so there maybe a few edits and tweaks in about a year since I'll probably procrastinate a lot.

Btw, it's placed in an AU where the Land of Dawn is indulged in the modern world. So magic and battling all still exist but with a few modern additions.

This story was written to show how the world is like to Granger. Besides, haven't you ever wondered what it's like to be the Death Chanter?

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