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All boys are gathered in the living room of Taehyung's and Jimin's newly bought apartment, multiple pizza boxes stacked onto each other ready to be eaten. Jimin and Taehyung are huddled together on their large couch, Taehyung's leg swung over Jimin's. "I can't believe you're only telling us now" Yoongi grunts, shaking his head lightly. "We wanted to tell everyone at the same time, it'd be more special that way" Jimin giggles and looks over at Yoongi. "Doesn't matter, show us the rings!" Jungkook yelps excitedly as he scoots himself closer to both boys, taking their hands in his own.

"You two are such clichés. I bet whoever proposed did this because both of you are hopelessly in love with the sky, no?" Jimin's cheeks grow red, of course,  that's the reason. He chose a small moon and a star as a ring instead of the usual shining diamonds that would cost him a fortune.

"But really, who proposed? and how did you do it? I'm positive that neither of you would've done it the usual way" Jin snicker and Hoseok laughs.

"Jimin did, in a way I would've never guessed. He gave me my favorite book, at which I got confused because why would he give me another copy? When he told me to open it, most pages were hollowed out and in the middle of it was the ring in a silver box. When I looked at him again he was down on one knee" Taehyung explains and smiles at the memory.

"Well, well, well, aren't you quite the romantic Jiminie. You really outdid yourself with that one" Jin says and then continuous "I taught you well" which makes everyone laugh.Jimin chuckles softly before looking back at Taehyung, still hopelessly in love with him. 

Taehyung smiles back and squeezes his hand before speaking up "y'know, he added a quote, again, because that's just how he is. I went like this as soon as I saw you, I knew an adventure was going to happen." He smiles and the others smile too "that's endearing" Jin whispers before Namjoon speaks up "wait, isn't that a Winnie the Pooh quote?".

"Sssh" Jimin mumbles and Taehyung rolls his eyes "as if I didn't know".

"Oh shut up," Jimin says before playfully hitting Taehyung his chest and getting up to get the others something to drink."So? Namjoon en Jin? Tell me the story about your engagement. How did this happen like, completely behind our backs" Taehyung says before the others pitch in "let's be clear about one thing. We all knew, you just didn't want to notice."

Luckily, Jimin just walks back in with 6 glasses, almost dropping two of them and Taehyung quickly gets up to help the other, whispering a quick "I'm happy for you, though". "Anyway, it wasn't at all that special as yours. Namjoon just went down on one knee and before he could ask I said yes. I knew he was what I wanted and apparently, he wanted that too so there's that. We now officially own a restaurant together" Jin beams and Jimin smiles, happy to finally catch up with his friends since the others are terrible at texting.

"So in the midst of everything, you two also decided to get a puppy huh?" Hoseok grins, his hand stroking through the dog's thick fur. "That too was a surprise, I came home early from work to Jimin trying to put a bow on his head. It was a disaster, obviously. Two broken vases and still no bow on the pups head until Jimin noticed I stood watching in the doorway." Taehyung snickers and sees Jimin turn red. "You could say it's not one of my finest moment.""What's his name though? did you already pick one?" Jungkook asks curiously and Taehyung nods excitedly. "His name is Chiko, it's cute isn't it?"

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