Chapter Two ▶ Bad disease.

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"For every star in heaven there's a sad soul here today."

Audrey's pov

After my parents had left I didn't leave the room for six days. Jeanne came by every day telling me to get up and join one of their group sessions, but every time she would ask I dislined. That was untill I got a letter from my parents, they told me how proud they are of me and to be strong, not for them but for myself. So when Jeanne came by the very next day and asked me if I wanted to join the session that afternoon I said yes.

The moment I sit down in what Jeanne calls "The circle of Security" I forget why I agreed to this in the first place, people start walking into the room and I'd rather lay in bed all day than being surrounded by these Southern rehabilitation centre zombies. A young man which I think is in his early twenties stands in the middle of the circle, letting his chocolate brown eyes glide around the room, making contact with every single one of us.

The session starts by introducing ourselves and a small individual session with the man, who's name I've learned is Max. When he reaches the woman next to me I start to feel nervous, the fear of sharing my thoughts and problems with this stranger filling my entire body. My hands are shaking and when I notice all eyes on me my mouth goes dry, making me want to run away to my room. Max notices my change of mood and starts the session for me. "You're Audrey right ?" He gives me a warm smile familiar to my father's encouraging me to go on. "Yes." "Can you tell me why you think you're here ?" It's the exact question I was hoping he wouldn't ask, but I try to muster up all the courage I have left and answer him anyway. "Sometimes I want to die." My voice sounds so small that I don't recognise myself in it, but to my surprise nobody has laughed at me yet or looked at me as if I am some sort of psychopath. "Are you feeling suicidal ?" "Not actively anymore, but if something bad were to happen to me, I wouldn't necessarily be upset either." "Please explain it to the group." " I don't think I still have the courage to actually try to kill myself again, but if I were on a road and a car was coming straight at me, I probably won't get out of the way." "Thank you for-" Max's sentence is interrupted by loud voices screaming in the hall and just as he's going to take a look at what's going on, the door swings open revealling a guy from my age followed by Jeanne who's desperately trying to calm him down. His green eyes are blazing fire while he runs his hands through his long curly locks. "YOU THINK I'M CRAZY RIGHT, I'LL SHOW YOU CRAZY !" He lifts one of the chairs, toned muscles tensing under his black shirt, but just as he's about to throw it across the room Max stops him, holding him against the wall, waiting for him to calm down. After a moment of tension Jeanne speaks up. "Max this is our newest patient, Harry, Harry styles."

Harry's pov

Every morning I watched you leave to work but this morning was different because even though you left like all the other days you never came back. Seven years go by, I still see you leaving and I'm not okay so I pick up the bottle from last night, bottom of the bottle, to fill up my empty heart. Now here I am two years later and I try to change the truth, I tried but I can't, I can't drink you away.

We're waiting for a lady named Jeanne to bring me to the hell I'm about to spend the next couple of years of my life at and I don't even know what I'm doing here right now it's not like my deadbeat father gives a fuck about me anyway. "I know you don't want to be here, but you need to stop acting like some sort of asshole and start making something out of your life" As soon as his words enter my mind my body goes rigid and I'm trapped in this blind rage. I grab him by his collar pushing him against the wall, my breathing ragged. "Don't you ever say that again when you're the reason she left, I'm in this fucking mess and it's all because of YOU." I know he's probably scared as hell but he doesn't show it instead he looks me dead in the eye before telling me the words that will drive me over the edge. "That's crazy son."

He falls on the ground as I let go of him, an older lady is coming towards us but I'm so pissed that I don't even care at this point. Striding towards the first door I see, I hear the old lady behind me desperately trying to calm me down. I slam the door open revealing some sort of cliché group session you always see in those B movies and I almost roll my eyes while running my hand through my hair, trying to shake of these thoughts in my mind. Turning around, I look my father in the eye for the last time "YOU THINK I'M CRAZY RIGHT I'LL SHOW YOU CRAZY. " Just as I'm about to throw a chair across the room, I'm stopped by a man pushing me against the wall. The air is filled with tension, my breath is uneven and I close my eyes wishing I could run away from all this shit as I hear Jeanne say; "Max this is our newest patient, Harry, Harry styles. "

AN: Hi guys thank you for reading chapter two of our story. I know it's short but chapter three will be up next week.
I just want to apologise if there are any mistakes in this chapter because I've written it on my phone. Soooo please comment and tell us what you think xx

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