Chapter Ten ▶ You Mister.

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Sorry it took so long for me to update but I haven't been feeling well for a couple of weeks. But to make it up to you there's lots of Haudrey in this chapter, I even put a little video in this one
X Chantal

" I don't care if the room was full of art, why would I look at painted ceilings. When I already know that the most beautiful colors are in your eyes."

Harry's pov

Christmas: the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard and stockings hanging in the living room. I never had a christmas like you see in the movies. My christmas evenings existed out of the screaming voices of my parents, fighting about another job my father had lost. No presents, no dinner, just sorrow, sorrow and sadness.

After she left christmas became a curse, a reminder that yet another year had come to it's end without her. I knew santa wouldn't come, he never came but as a child you hold on to hope or maybe it's naivety I don't know. So every year I would make a list wishing for her to return, but she never did. Turned out I was right after all.

The night was cold, little drops of rain fall down on the soft bed of snow beneath my feet. She was already waiting for me as a part of our unspoken ritual. The moonlight shines through her dark brown curls, stars lighting up her big brown eyes and god no one never looked that beautiful before.

I sneak up to her, carefully so she won't notice me untill my arms make their way around her waist.

Her hair smells like the coconut shampoo she loves so much ."My mom used to love it, it reminds me of her, of home", she had told me when I first asked her about it.

I feel her relax in my arms, gently pressing a kiss against the back of her neck. "Mm....Hi babe." Her voice sounds sleepy, she turns around so she's facing me now. Her slender fingers tuck loose strands of hair behind my ear before leaning in and placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

Brown eyes meet mine, and I can feel her heart beating against my chest. "Do you ever wonder how christmas would've been if our parents had truly loved each other." Her question makes me search for an answer I had been craving to get for many years. "I don't know." Her eyes are slowly closing and I place a kiss on the top of her head before carrying her inside, only one thought on my mind : I will give her the christmas she always wanted.

Audrey's pov

I'm awakened by silent footsteps slowly making their way out of my room.

I throw the thick white sheets of my body, the cold air hitting my bare arms and legs, instandly making me long back to the warm soft bed by my side. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes my gaze falls onto a thin long white box that lies on the chair next to my closet with a little note taped to it. I hurry towards the box tripping over some clothes in the process. Nervous I take the note of the box, hands shaking a bit of excitement.

I want you to stay right there
I don't wanna to lose a moment
I dont wanna miss the kiss
If I could plan the perfect day, love
then I would start it just like this

I read the note over and over, looking for a clue of what's next but I can't seem to think of anything. Turning towards the box I let my fingers glide over the smooth material of the red bow on top of it, gently tugging at the ends. Inside lies a dark red dress, silver sparkling diamonds decorating the neckline, giving it this classy elegant look and god it looks beautiful.

" I think I'll just need to claim that kiss right now." His smooth velvet voice makes me turn around instandly leaning in to his warm body. "Have you been watching this entire time ?" I hear him let out a laugh as his soft pink lips slightly brush against mine before breaking contact. "Get ready babe, Caroline will be here soon." And before I realise what's happening he's gone again.

I stare at my reflection in the mirror barely recognising the girl, no woman, in front of me. My hair is slightly curled, my lips are a blood red and I'm wearing a light eyeshadow with winged eyeliner making my eyes pop.

The red dress I'm wearing hugs my body perfectly and ends mid-thigh, matching with the sparkly silver clutch Caroline has lend me.

When I was little my mother used to tell me the most beautiful stories about princes and princesses, but I will always remember that one story that proved all the rest of them wrong. While most girls dressed up as princesses waiting for prince charming to come, I believed in Shrek.

I know it's not a perfect fairlytale, not the dream of every other six year old girl.

But to me it was the most beautiful story I've ever heard, because honestly two imperfect people falling in love, creating their own happy ending isn't that something we all long for.

So as I'm standing in front of that mirror I can't help but feel happy for finding my own happy ending, my own little magic.

"Are you ready ?" My thoughts are interrupted by Caroline, "He's waiting for you outside." With a smile on my face, heart beating fast and butterflies in my stomache I take one last look in the mirror : "I've never been more ready in my entire life."

When we arrive outside the trees are decorated with what seems like hundreds of christmas lights, candles are everywhere and the lake is frozen. I take in the beauty of it all as I walk towards the lake, coldplay silently playing on the background. There's another box on the bench right next to the lake, another note taped on top of it.

Merry Christmas love -H-

Tears well up in my eyes, as I read the note over and over just like the one in my room.

Inside the box lie white ice skates, I pick them up letting my fingers glide over the material before taking in the wonderfull scene surrounding me.

"I guess from your reaction that you like it ." I turn around, facing him. He looks even more handsome in his coat, hair loose, eyes sparkling. I can tell he's nervous by the way he keeps fiddling with his scarf. So I walk up to him, hands burried in the pockets of his coat, taking in his smell, his warmth, with his heart beating against mine.

"I absolutely love it Harry." My voice sounds small, breakable even. Fresh tears make their way from my eyes, all the way to my chin and end up falling on frozen ground beneath our feet. He pulls away from me, his left hand finds it's way on my lower back, guiding me to the bench where he ties my skates.

The night is wonderfull, although magical is a better way to put it. We skate the entire night, Harry making cheecky dance moves, pulling me with him. We end up standing still in the middle of the lake, our breathing rushed, chests heaving. His fingers trace the outlines of my face, they brush against my lips before pushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"You're beautiful. " Two words, fourteen letters, strong enough to make the entire world stop for a minute. It's just us in this moment, no pain, no insecurities or any of the things that have been haunting us for years, just us and nothing else. And so he kisses me, softly at first but soon more passionate. His warm hands cup my face, lips red and swollen, cheeks flushed when he pulls away.

"My own little magic."

AN: Merry Christmas everyone, I hope you all have a lovely day !

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