vending Machine

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Hey!it's the author here,just stopped to say thank you so much for reading my book!

Edit: okay so I just realised that the first two chapters are not that great,I promise they will get better from the 3rd chapter.

Time lost it's way when I found myself with you.


A long time ago....

A long time ago

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At the park


Chapter one


"Ughhhh" you groan in anoyance

"What is wrong with this?"you question your existence now!

"Is something stuck in there?"you mumbled as you bent down to check if something was blocking your banana milk!
That's when you suddenly felt a presence behind you.

"Need some help?" The  person behind you suddenly spoke.

You turned around and saw a guy, probably elder than you by a few years and noticed how close you were,you looked up to see his face better and OMG he-he was handsome......

You realised that you were starring at him and immediately looked down and apologized bowing.

"Cute"he mumbled walking towards the vending machine,He just shook the vending machine a little-
And guess what? Your drink fell right into his hands.....

He turns around and hands my banana milk to me."Thank you so much"you say bowing again.

He brings his hands to your chin ever-so lightly lifting your head up to meet his face and said "no problem, beautiful".

Your cheeks immediately start burning the brightest colour if red they can ever be,so you look down trying hide the fact that you might have a cardiac arrest.

He chuckled and said "it's getting cold,you should get home......"he trails off not knowing your name.

"Oh,my name is Kim y/n" you try to act cool by lending your hand out for him to shake,but failed miserably because of his freaking smile.

"Jimin" he says taking your hand and shaking it firmly"Park,Jimin".

"Nice to meet you,Jimin" you say smilling.

"Pleasure" he says looking at you intensely,I don't know why?was their something on my face?on my hair?on my unifor-  you thought.

"Rinnngggg" his phone rang and broke the silence,he pulled out and sighed looking at the caller,he cut the call and looked at you, and said "see you around, beautiful".

You started blushing uncontrollably at his nickname and looked down and nodded not knowing how to respond and ofcourse he notices it, he chuckles and you can feel that smile on his face and he walk's right past you and was on his way to God knows where.

"Woahhhhh" you mumbled to yourself and try to get yourself back together,that was-


At home



"Y/n-ya" your mother calls out,walking into your room.

"Your apartment is all furnished, sweetheart" she says smilling "you can move in any time".

With that she leaves your room,you were so deep in your thoughts that you forgot that you had to move in a few days, Jimin just really occupied your mind, he-he was just so sweet, charming-like he was just so alluring.

This is the first time you have ever felt such kind of attraction towards any guy,  their was just one question running in your mind "will I ever meet him again?".


Hello everyone!
How are you all doing?wow.....okay so I really worked hard on this book and have a really cute idea on this book so please comment and vote if you liked this book,so I can know whether to continue or not!!
Love y'all!!!❤
God bless!

Vending Machine | pjmWhere stories live. Discover now