First Kiss

69 3 11

Dedicated to-crystalsnow_
For being the sweetest sweetheart ever❤️❤️❤️

I have late night conversations with the moon,
He tells me about the sun
And I tell him about



With Jimin


"How far do we have to walkkkkkkk,it's been hours and my previous leg's-"Chile's words are cut off when Jungguk lift's her in the air carriers her on his shoulder giving a small slap on her ass.

You break out giggling and laughing with all the others when Jimin grabbed your hand and dragging you to another direction.

"Wha-Jimin"you said running"shhh,baby just follow me"he says still leading you deep into the forest.

After a few minutes of running you both reach to a halt,which looked like no where but endless green landscape which looked blues due to the moon,which you always loved.
You were confused at first but looked at Jimin who was facing the opposite side and smilling to himself.

"Whooooaaaaaaaaaaa"you say turning around to see a beautiful lake with crystal clear water reflection the starry sky with the moon.
You squealed, throwing your hands around Jimin's neck getting up on your tippy toes and hug him tightly.

Jimin chuckles and gives your head a quick kiss and grabs your hand leading you around the lake,near the edge was a big log of wood. Jimin lifted you up effortlessly and put you on the log and sat next to you.

Both of you just admired the nature for sometime while Jimin whispered sweet things to you making you blush.
Jimin suddenly got into the lake taking his shoes and socks off,he held out his hand asking you to come in.
Hesitantly you  removed your shoes and socks and dipped your little feet into the lake gasping and holding onto Jimin's had tightly making him giggle

His naughty hands left your's for a moment and when you were about to speak he took a hand full of water and threw it at you.

"PARK JIMIN"you gasp and throw water at him giggling and laughing,all your clothes now wet and both of you panting Jimin took the chance and put a lot of water on your face you immediately wipe your eyes and look up laughing when two arms wrapped around your hips pulling you forward.

"Your all wet,oh god,we need to get back, you'll get a cold-"you stopped mid sentence when you realised he was just staring at you with loving eyes. You cover your face blushing "you are beautiful, baby"Jimin say's removing your hands from your face.

Jimin just staring at you with affection in his eyes"can I kiss you, beautiful?" He says with compassion
You blush like crazy and nod slowly.
He puts one of his hands on your cheek stroking it lightly you just close your eyes enjoying his touch and tilted his head leaning closer to your
face and gently places his lips on your's which made you flinch but he held your face with his hand,the other around your waist pulling you into him,he slid his hand onto your neck and tilted his lips morphing into yours.

He smiled into the kiss when you attempted to kiss back your small,pink lips fitting perfectly into his big fluffy ones. He lead your hands that you had no clue where to put,to his neck. The adrenaline rushing into your heart making it beat really fast.

He pulled back to look at your flustered face and smiled so big that his eyes disappeared and pecked your lips one last time.
This was your breaking point you just hugged him really tight and buried your face into his chest making him laugh while you blush and listen to the vibrations in his chest.

"That was your first wasn't it?"he asked embracing you, nodding you answer him.

He sighs and strokes your head and kisses it one more time before your moment was interrupted"do you want to kill her?"Hoseok say's walking with the others. jimin just chuckles and grabs your shoes giving them to you and carrying you out of the lake.

"That's why you told me to get towels and jackets.." Jungguk say's handing them to you"impressive".

It was a long walk home and when you all reached you all ran to your rooms to take a shower.
The girls were smelling alright but the boy's,oh no.. don't even.

You took the longest shower and by the time you were done it was almost midnight,so you went outside to dry your hair.

You opened your balcony door rubbing your hair only to find Jimin sitting down starring at the stars"you love the star's and sky too?"you say sitting next to him,he smiles and nods wrapping his arms around you and bringing you closer.

"Aish,you need to dry your hair baby" he says making you sit In front of him cross-legged and started rubbing it for you, closing your eyes because you were so tired you didn't notice that you were leaning into him sleepy.

He stopped what he was doing and lifted the towel only to find your eye's closed,with a red face because you came out of a hot shower and lips pouted,you realised he stopped rubbing your head so you open your eyes and his lips land on your's passionately kissing you.

At first you were shocked but eventually you closed your eyes and kissed him back with same passion making him smile into the kiss.

You pulled away and blushed"Good night kiss" he says and pecks your forehead and picks you up bridal style receiving a squeal from you and brings you to your room tucking you in like a baby,his baby.

"Good night, beautiful"he says and leaves your room locking it securely.
Thinking about the kiss you bit your lower lip unintentionally and giggled going to bed.

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