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Your fingers entwined
Slowly with mine,
And suddenly,
Life made sense.


Y/n's apartment


Chapter six

A few days later


Being the over packer you are it took you long enough to pack your suitcase. About 3 hour's,you packed everything clothes, 3 different kinds of shoes, accessories, some of your skin care products, sunscreen, first aid kit and last but not the least your phone, charger and your earphones.

With everything packed you finally get to bed, knowing you only will get around 5 hours of sleep.


The Next morning


In the lobby of the building


"That's the last one" Jungguk say's getting in his car, there were three cars. One shared by Jungguk and Chloe,the second by Junghoseok and Hazel and the last was shared by Jimin and you. You did not know why the car's but then it hit you "There couples" but Jimin and you were-

"Shall we"Jimin asked you tilting his head to one side, snapping you out of your thoughts. You nod and smile getting in the passenger's seat,as soon as you sat in his car you took a deep breath inhaling his familiar sent and felt safe.

He bent towards you inching his face closer to your's, his hand reaching the back of your head,you froze in your spot and stared at his face"Seat belt" he says chucking and pulling the seat belt over you and securing it in place.

"Shit" you cursed under your breath.
Get your shit together.

"Let's play some songs" Jimin say's, eye's fixed on the road.
He looked intimidating.
You loved it.

Time passed pretty quickly you both spoke for a while,had a little concert in the car and saw a lot of dog's in car's and every time you see one you get all happy and just admire the doggo.

"Yup,this the spot" Jimin say's looking at the beautiful villa in front of him on the middle of basically no where.

"Damnn.."was the only thing you could say.

"Y/minnnnnnnnnnnnn" Chloe say's practically trying to rip the door open
Jimin chuckles in locking the doors.

"We'll take your luggage"Chloe said to Jungguk challenging him to another 'who is the strongest' war.

"Honestly, I'm worried about stuff,they might be too strong" Jimin say's closing the door and walking Next to you.

"Ahh..." He says grabbing his head,
"Oh my,Jimin what happened" you are terrified,tipi toe'ing upwards you reach out and hold his head trying to massage it.

His hand leaves his head, eye's staring at you in shock and love.
"God,if she keeps going I might kiss her" Jimin thinks Still looking at her worried face which he thinks  adds up to her cuteness.

"Kay,love birds we gotta choose our rooms"Hazel say's chuckling.
You immediately realise that and re-trace your hand looking down and awkwardly walking to the house.

Jimin just laughs and runs behind you.

"His hair, god.
It was so soft and how you wish to run your hands through them-" your thoughts were cut by Jungguk walking down the stairs casually while his girlfriend is on his shoulder hitting his back to let her down.

After choosing your rooms,
Jimin and you have different rooms,the room's are Next to eachother and you both have to share a balcony.
The other two couples took the other two room's.


Y/n's room



You settled in and everything was perfect,you took a shower.

A LONG SHOWER,after your pamper session you went out to the balcony like every night to just let loose and enjoy the silence.

You spent a good five minutes when you heard groaning and ruffling of sheets from Jimin's room.
You immediately went to check on him and surprisingly his door was open you knocked and stepped in, getting no answer you went to his bed,he was in a bad condition he was sweating and groaning,you immediately checked his temperature.
He was burning,you panicked and ran to the kitchen got a cold cloth and put it on his head.

You made sure he was not uncomfortable and ran back to the kitchen to make some soup.

You made the soup and made your way back to his room to find him sitting up and running his hands through his hair,that caught you off guard.

"You shouldn't see me like this" he says looking down. "please,let me help you, please" you say pleading.

You walk over to his bed and check his temperature very un aware that Jimin admiring ever inch of you.
You smile at him and say "well,atleast your temperature back to normal"
You quickly bring the soup and scoop some soup and bring it to your lips blowing on it, puffing your cheeks to cool it down so it doesn't burn Jimin's mouth and bring it to his mouth,he drinks the soup and puts his hand on his chest and dramatically say's "mmmmmmmmm, delicious" you laugh and hit his arm covering your face.

You feed him the rest of the soup,he looks deep into your eyes as if trying to tell you something but you couldn't understand so you tilted your head like a puppy "Thank you so much Y/n"
He says sighing but Smiles right after.

"Always Jimin" you say and smile getting off his bed and leaving the room but only to be stopped by Jimin
"Really,Y/n Thank you" he says smilling at you.

You blush, kneeling down near his bed and push him down gently and cover him with the sheets and the last thing you did left Jimin shook.

You gave him a quick peck on his forehead and said blushing " it's a healing kiss" and stumble at your own actions while walking out of his room.

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