after credits, scene one

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mid credit scene
the truth revealed

LANDING GRACEFULLY UPON THE OVERLY CROWDED STREETS OF QUEENS, Peter Parker is finally able to release his tight grip upon Michelle, or, as she prefers, MJ

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LANDING GRACEFULLY UPON THE OVERLY CROWDED STREETS OF QUEENS, Peter Parker is finally able to release his tight grip upon Michelle, or, as she prefers, MJ. The boy is dressed entirely in his Spider-Man costume, the need for his identity to remain anonymous even when spending time with the girl he likes. Beneath the costume, Peter wears a silver chain, one in which holds a beautiful ring of the same colour with a minuscule diamond embedded within it; the boy wearing the ring of Analisa Morgan, and that which belonged to her mother before her.

Peter watches as MJ unwraps herself from around him, appearing shaken by the whole experience as she stumbles slightly backwards. He gazes upon her with concern held within his gaze, hoping that their time swinging around New York hadn't caused too much harm to her. "You okay?"

"Uh... yeah. Yeah, I'm okay," She stumbles over her words somewhat, her veins still flooded by the sheer adrenaline which is bought upon by such a journey, her mind clouded still. "Let's just... Never, never doing that again. I'm never doing that again."

"Okay," Peter understandingly replies, nodding to emphasise such a thing. The feeling of eyes watching him from nearby, however, soon interrupts the sweet moment between the two, and, with a singular glance backwards, he notices many citizens staring at him oddly. "Well, I should probably get out of here."

And, with a few awkwardly muttered goodbyes said to one another, Peter swings himself upwards, sending a final wave to the girl. He lands upon a nearby street-light, moving to turn around and escape the scene. Yet, he is halted in his actions as his attention is taken away by a nearby billboard, the voice of a well-known news reporter echoing out throughout the busy area.

"This is breaking news," The man begins, his arms formally crossed over his chest as he stares into the camera. "We come with revelations about last week's attack in London. An anonymous source provided this video. It shows Quentin Beck, aka Mysterio, moments before his death. A warning, you may find this video disturbing."

Both confusion and concern flood Peter as the scene displayed upon the gigantic billboard switches from the news reporter, and to a shakily, self-taken video of Quentin Beck. The man, unlike the way in which Peter had last seen, is dressed within his uniform which had become a signature outfit of 'Mysterio', and crimson-coloured stains coat the side of his face.

"I managed to send the elemental back through the dimensional rift but I don't think I'm gonna make it off this bridge alive.." With panic laced deeply in his tone, Quentin, short for breath, rapidly speaks these words of falsity. The scene displayed upon the screen shifts into one to showcase Analisa collapsed upon the ground with crimson seeping out of a wound in her chest; Spider-Man lingering close behind.

"Spider-Man attacked us for some reason. He's already taken down Nightfall. I protected her the best I could, but I couldn't save her. And now, I'm next," The voice of Quentin continues to play over the highly-edited footage which frames Spider-Man for the murder Analisa. "He had an army of weaponised drones, Stark technology, and he's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron Man, no one else."

Once again, the focus of the video shifts, now showing Quentin himself collapsed upon the ground; defeated by Spider-Man. In the background lies Analisa, yet this time, all life had fled from her body, and Quentin appears to be following closely in her footsteps. The voice of EDITH echoes from the speakers, saying, "Are you sure you want to commence the drone attack? There will be significant casualties."

Peter, or, as he was currently being displayed upon the screen, Spider-Man stands nearby to Quentin, the only part of his body in the shot being his lower half. He, without an ounce of hesitation or regret held within his voice, shouts his answer. "Do it! Execute them all."

And, as the display shifts back to the news anchor, the sound of deafening gunshots erupt in the background of the video. The anchorman, his face stoic even after showcasing such footage to the world, continues from where he'd been prior. "This shocking video was released earlier today on the controversial news site,"

J Jonah Jameson, the famed face of the Daily Bugle, appears upon the billboard. "There you have it, folks, conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible for the brutal murder of Nightfall, an ex-avenger, and Mysterio; an interdimensional warrior that gave his life to protect our planet, and who will, no doubt, go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time. But that's not all, folks, here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves. You might wanna sit."

Once again, the footage changes to display the video of merely Quentin, panicked and speaking directly at the camera. The man glances over his shoulder in a manner of trepidation, as if awaiting the moment an attack will strike, the terror in his eyes so perfectly concocted to evoke empathy and trust from who may view the footage. "Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is..."

The words of Quentin continually are cut-off by static, causing a spark of, albeit naive, hope to arise within the real Peter Parker; hope that his identity wouldn't be exposed, and that he could continue living the life he so desperately had clung onto. Yet, this last spark of hope is burnt out as Quentin Beck doesn't hesitate to utter his name. "Spider-Man's name is Peter Parker."

With eyes widened in terror beneath his mask as his yearbook photo is plastered upon the screen in New York, Peter's heart practically leaps from his chest; a flood of shock rushing through his veins. Raising his hands to his head, stumbling backwards slightly, the boy nearly shouts an exclamation. "What the fu-"



Quentin Beck exposed Peter
Parker so hard he left the MCU-

Hope you enjoyed this little after
credits scene! The next one is a
little something that is a very spicy
meatball. It won't be the end credit
from the actual movie, with Nick
Fury and such, but just because I
did not write it doesn't mean it
didn't happen. It still is cannon, I
just did not write it, for it did not
serve the plot.

Anyway, I hope you all have
an amazing day 😊💛

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