Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Virgil felt the bench the move slightly and assumed Logan left until he felt a pat on his back. "Don't worry. We will get this girl to like you back. You just need to give it time."

"It's not a girl," Virgil muttered.

"Apologies. We will get this guy to like you. Which means dealing with emotions." Logan shuddered. "The bane of my existence."

Virgil laughed slightly before slapping a hand over his mouth and quickly wiping his eyes. He may be dying but he was glad he could spend time with his friends. 

"Can I get your phone number?" Virgil asked after a minute. "I'm going to need help when I explain this to Dee and Remus." 

--- Time skip sponsored by Solangelo and their wonderfulness---

Virgil looked at his phone critically. He was going to video-chat Logan first and then add Dee, Remus, and Patton. He just had to get the nerve up.

~Stricken with clairvoyance, events occur as I'd foresee~

Virgil took a deep breath, then answered his phone and was surprised to see Logan. Yeah, it was Logan's ringtone but he was supposed to call him right? Not the other way around. 

"Salutations, Virgil."

"Hey, Logan. I was just about to call you."

"So we go through with the plan?"

"I guess. Let me add everyone," Virgil sighed.

He added everyone to the video call and waited for them to stop saying hi before he said something.

"Is everyone here?" He asked.

"I am!" Patton chimed in.

"Totally not," Dee said shrugging.

"Yeah, I'm here," Remus sighed as another noise was heard. "My parents want me to put you guys on speaker so they can listen too."

"Hey, Mr. and Mrs. Prince," Virgil said immediately. He heard their cries of joy in reply. The Princes had always liked to have Virgil over, ever since he became friends with Remus in middle school. He didn't really ever have any friends before Virgil, and his parents had been worried about him. Until one day he came home talking about the 'Smol Purple Boi'.

"Don't forget about me." A voice pouted and Remus turned his camera slightly to show the famous Roman Prince. Roman was the star of every school play since he was eight. He was outgoing and charismatic and popular. The opposite of me thought Virgil.
"Hey R-" Virgil started to say before going into a coughing fit. His phone dropped and he coughed up more petals stuffing them into a random place before picking it back up. Everyone was looking at him with concern.

"Sorry, I can't stay I have to go to practice. Bye! Come on Mom and Dad!" Roman called out.

There were a few overly dramatic farewells from the four, but everyone expected that from the Princes. Virgil took a deep breath and waited a few seconds for the door to close. He tried to start a sentence multiple times but didn't know how to start. 

"I-I um. I- don't know um how to say this but ah-- "

"Virgil might have less than a year to live!" Logan cried out. 

Virgil winced. This was not the plan. Why would Logan go against the plan? His breathing sped up just a little bit as he watched his friends' faces fall. Dee looked like he was going to punch something or to cry. Remus just stared off into space, his face becoming paler by the second. Logan looked down at his hands as Patton teared up. Virgil felt his chest about to burst and he started shaking.

"Why?" Someone asked in a small voice. Virgil couldn't see who it was though as his eyes blurred from the tears. Logan started to explain as something occurred to Virgil

"I-," Virgil started and choked out a sob. "I won't be able to see my parents again."

His friends stopped talking as Virgil started to sob. The noise, or lack thereof, was just enough to send Virgil into panic mode. He rocked back and forth covering his ears. His friend's questions were cut off. He knew he had to calm down - and soon - or else he would have a full-blown panic attack. He tried to remember his breathing exercises, but instead remembered a song his mother had sung to him growing up.

"There will come a soldier
Who carries a mighty sword
He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord
He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord"

Virgil, unlike other kids, had two moms and no dads. So in school, he was bullied a lot. Just because his parents weren't legally married until three years ago it didn't mean they weren't married. They loved each other more than anything, except maybe him. He was only a few months old when, Arie, his first mother adopted him and a week later, Kendra, also adopted him. 

Then two months ago they were sent to a military base and would be there for fourteen more months. While they were there Virgil was staying with his cousin. He wouldn't see them until they came home.

"There will come a poet
Whose weapon is his word
He will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord
He will slay you with his tongue, o lei o lai o lord"

Virgil was always told how he looked like Arie, but he really didn't see it. The only feature they both had was their purple eyes. Both she and Virgil had naturally purple eyes, but hers seemed to shine more. She had short, red hair and was smaller, but very protective.

Kendra, on the other hand, had olive-colored skin, blue eyes, and long sandy hair. She had a bigger build and muscular. Most people mistook her for a bodybuilder when they first met her, but she wasn't. She was very kind and loved to cuddle with people she was close to and, like Virgil, had very bad anxiety.

"There will come a ruler
Whose brow is laid in thorn
Smeared with oil like David's boy, o lei o lai o lord
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord
Smeared with oil like David's boy, o lei o lai o lord

"O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord
He will tear your city down, o lei o lai o lord
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord
O lei, o lai, o lei, o lord." 
He sang softly and calmed down just enough to come back to the real world.

He looked at his phone to find everyone listening. 

"Hey, Virgil?" Deceit asked softly, "Logan didn't say there wasn't something other than surgery and true love's kiss for this to leave. Totally not for the person to like you back- or confess at least. But first, we need to know who you like."

"N-no one." Virgil blushed.

"Falsehood!" Logan yelled, making Virgil jump. 
"I..." Virgil trailed off before deciding his next words, "Let's play a game. If you guys can figure it out within the next three weeks, then I will confess to said person. If they don't like me back I will get a job in order to pay for the surgery."

"If we don't," Remus asked, "then what happens?"

"Well, then we act like I'm not dying."

Everyone nodded in agreement. Three weeks was plenty of time to figure it out. He just hoped they wouldn't. But then again, he did. If they knew who I like they'd make fun of me. And besides, it's not like he would like me back. This plan will work, it will have to work. I don't want to die. It has to work and if it doesn't, I don't know what I'll do. I won't be able to see my moms again if it doesn't~ 

"Virgil!" Patton called out. 

"Huh, what?" Virgil asked as his head shot up.

"I asked if you wanted to have a sleepover on Friday?"

"Uh. Yeah, sure." After a moment of hesitation, Virgil asked, "What day is it?" 

"Wednesday" Remus provided clearly pleased to be helpful, and then wiggled his eyebrows. "Hump day!"

"No, thank you, Remus." Dee laughed, "That totally wasn't helpful."

They continued to talk for another hour about the plans for the sleepover. As he talked to his friends he felt himself starting to calm down. He might not live for much longer, but he was glad he could spend whatever time he had left with his friends.

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