Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Virgil looked at the amazing food on the table. He hadn’t had this large a meal since Talyn’s birthday. On the plate in front of him were peas, mashed potatoes, homemade rolls, and roasted chicken. Logan and Patton had already started to eat while discussing the pro’s and con’s of adopting puppies. Remus and Deceit were talking about being more honest. Virgil just stared at his plate in amazement.

“You okay, Virgil?” Patton's dad asked, looking concerned.

“Yeah it’s just,” Virgil paused and looked up smiling, “It’s amazing, thank you.” 

Suddenly, Patton squealed and hurriedly took a picture of Virgil. Virgil looked down, blushing madly. He then started eating and was full after eating a few bites of each thing. He waited until everyone was done, and went up to Patton’s room before talking to Mr. Moral.

“Thank you so much for dinner and letting me stay the night.” Virgil muttered. “Also, I want to say sorry in advance. Lately I’ve been coughing a lot and I get bloody noses rather easily. I promise im not-”

“Virgil, it’s okay,” Mr. Moral smiled and waved Virgil off. “Now go upstairs before Patton gets worried.”

Virgil nodded and walked up stairs, but stopped once he did get back to the living room. I really should have went with them. I don’t know where to go. Maybe I should leave. They wouldn't notice would they? But what if I left and got lost? What if I was kidnapped? What if I don’t? What if they… Virgil shook his head as he looked around. He couldn’t let his thoughts get the better of him. He began to wander when he heard something from the second door on the left. He walked up to the door and went to knock, but stopped when he heard bits of conversations.

“im worried... secrets… terrible… just help… carry… burden… needs help…” Virgil heard someone on the other side of the door whisper. 

Virgil froze and turned around. He stuffed his hands in his pockets and pulled his phone out of the black jacket and sat on the couch. He looked at the time and sighed. 8:34 p.m.

Valerie the Queen- active

Prince and Dukey Parents- offline

Dad guy- offline

Smart person-  offline

Snek boi- offline

Duke of Weselton- active

???- active

Almost 2 years ago this number texted me by mistake. Somehow we continued to talk and became friends. I still don’t know who it is but I’ve figured out that they’re a boy.

 ???: Hey what’s up?   

Nothing much hanging out with
What about you?'

 So what happened?

 What do you mean?

 You never use punctuation. When 

you do something is definitely wrong.

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