Chapter 5

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Chapter 5:

A week into the deal and Virgil was already regretting it. At all hours of the day he would be asked questions and he would have to answer them honestly. He also noticed how his friends have been acting differently around him. They treated him the same but he would see them shoot him concerned glances when they thought he wasn't looking. Sometimes he heard them whisper behind him when he walked away. Remus seemed to be taking it harder than the others since Virgil was his first friend.

Other than a question here or there they wouldn't even mention his crush. Which in a way was good because he would cough any time he thought of said person. Speaking of coughing, Virgil was currently doing a science test and kept drinking a lot of water because he didn't want to disturb anyone so he thought that if he drank water then he wouldn't have to worry about choking on flowers. Sadly that theory was proven false when Virgil not only started choking on flowers but also on water. He quickly coughed up the petals and water back into the cup as the teacher sent him a glare. Patton, who was across from Virgil, sent him a concerned look. Virgil just nodded and went back to working. He could tell Patton at lunch. After they had finished the test Virgil sat in his seat and stared at the clock. They had ten minutes until the bell rang.

"Okay, class I wanted to inform you that tomorrow we will be starting a project," Mr. Richards started and stood up, "You will choose an element and list four things it's in. You will then write the benefits it has to society, but also the dangers as well. Now when I call you and your partners name please come up here.

Penny and Andy. Beth and Ben. Chara and Rosie. Cindy and Vincent. Jane and Henry. Rora and Patton." Virgil looked over at Patton helplessly, "Elsie and Katelyn. Ester and Jake. So that leaves Dev and Virgil. Please pair up."

TIme stopped for Virgil as he looked at Dev. A sixteen year old genius, the 'promoter', generous, genuinely honest, dramatic, and neither selfish nor selfless. But he was also a trouble-maker, very impolite, reckless, and rebellious. Virgil would have to walk over to him. This would get stares he didn't like it, but he did. He quickly slipped around people and over to the 6' 1" tall, dark skinned man.

"Here's the thing." Dev whispered his eyes sliding over Virgil, "I know nothing about you. You know nothing about me. We will split the work in half. I suggest we work on Lutetium. I already know a lot about it and it will be easy to research."

Virgil just nodded back. It wasn't like he could really say anything. And if he could what would he say? He really didn't want any arguments. He noticed Dev watching him and also noticed his chest starting to burn slightly. The burning grew as he started to panic and cough. The panic quickly turned into crying as he forced a hand over his mouth. Patton's head whipped over to Virgil and immediately rushed over to him.

"Patton and Dev please help Virgil to my office and take his stuff with him. He is going to take a health day. Seems like he needs one." Mr. Richards sighed and shook his head.

Dev quickly stood up and wrapped his arm around Virgil's torso while Patton grabbed Virgil's stuff. Virgil continued to cough up petals until he couldn't hold them in his mouth, so a few fell to the ground. Dev looked at Virgil in surprise but didn't say anything Patton quickly bent down and picked up the petals. Once they got to Mr. Richard's office Virgil sat on the couch and stuffed the rest of the petals into his pocket. Patton and Dev were whispering to each other.

"So Hanahaki, huh?" Dev asked after a minute.

"Yeah," Virgil croaked. "You know what it is?"

"Yeah, my older sister had it a few years ago. So how long?"

"Two weeks," Patton answered for Virgil before handing him the water bottle, "Drink, it will help soothe your throat."

"I can't. It's full of petal's." Virgil muttered looking down at his hands.

"Oh, well then. I will be right back."

Patton left the room and as soon as he was out of earshot Dev looked at him.

"So how long have you been suffering?" Dev sighed when Virgil's eyes widened. "It doesn't take a genius to know that what you are saying isn't exactly correct. You're coughing up blood which means you've been suffering for at least a month. Frequency suggests two months."

"A month and a half." Virgil whispered, "I didn't say anything until it became a daily thing two weeks ago."

Dev was about to reply when Virgil's phone started buzzing. His hands fumbled with his pocket before he pulled his phone. Why is Valerie calling me? Did something happen with moma and mommy? Did something-

"Hey, Virgil," Valerie said softly. "When you get home we need to talk."

"Did something happen? Is everyone okay?" Virgil's voice quivered at the end of the sentence.

"Everyone is completely fine. I just found something and we need to talk about it," There was a muffled talking on the other side of the phone, "Actually I'm just going to pick you up from school. I'll be there in ten minutes."

Virgil froze as Valerie hung up.

"Does she know?" Dev asked in a soft voice.

"No" Virgil shuddered at the thought of having to tell Valerie. How would she take it?

"You need to tell her, Virgil. Otherwise you'll end up regretting it. You both will." Virgil was about to reply but he felt his phone buzz and looked at it.

???: ey! Are you okay? You haven't texted me back

Yeah sorry i've been busy with school

and my friends have been questioning

who i like nonstop

You like the empire guy right?

That's what you call him, I think.

Yeah the empire guy he's just...

Nevermind how about you

I'm fantastic just getting ready

for my dad to bring my P.E.

outfit What are you doing?

In the science teachers

office waiting

for my cousin to come pick me up

Did something happen? Are

you okay?

I don't know she messaged

me and told me she found

something but never said what

Other than that i'm fine

Oh, I'm sorry... I hope it's

Nothing too bad. I wouldn't want

My soulmate to feel bad

Virgil chuckled and shook his head. How could someone be so certain of something even if he didn't know the other?

Still on about that i see

Always and forever my love <3 <3

Always and forever

Virgil nodded but let his thoughts trail. What if she reacted badly? What if she tells Mama and Mommy? What if she knows who he likes? All the thoughts about Valerie's reaction he kept at bay since this began hit him like a ton of bricks.

"Virgil Xiety please report to room 7A and then to the office." Mr. Jefferson said over the intercom.

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