A few things before i go

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Hey everyone!

I just wanted to say thank you so much for reading my story. Well I should say our story for i did not write this alone. Me and three of my magnificent friends wrote this story together. They have asked that I do not disclosed their real names but one of them now has wattpad so if you could check out UnderstatedGoat and spam her new book with the love it deserves then you shall get a surprise as a reward (she doesnt know I'm doing this though and will not know until I publish it.)

Now a few notes I have:

Yes there will be a sequel but I am sorry for there will be no spoilers. I am keeping my lips zipped.

I am moving again and will bot be able to work that much on the sequel until the move is done so it may take a while before this story comes out. Again I am sorry.

Next. I am doing a Q@A for all those who want to ask our lovely characters some questions. Ask then here or DM me.

Finally. I am putting this book at the bottom of my to-do list and will edit it in the future.

Yours truly,


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