Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

A bright light shone from the pile of flowers and petals.

"What the ever loving Gob-stoppers?" Logan asked after a moment as he took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes.

"I guess you can say their love brightens up the world," Patton giggled causing many different reactions.

Roman sobbed even harder than before because he still believed Virgil was dead. Logan didn't groan this time he was just-well he just stood there. Remus burst into laughter and was hit by Dee. The doctors and nurses, well they just stood there doing nothing. They stood there doing nothing except watching Virgil.


They say that for the last 7 minutes of your life you relive it. The pain, suffering, sadness, but you also relive the joy, the happiness, the relief, everything. What if that's what you are doing right now? Reliving everything you have done? Well because there are two very distinct authors in this we can assure you that no, this is not Virgil's case. What Virgil is experiencing is completely different for, he is not dying. No, he is far from it.

Virgil is sleeping. Has been for the last 3 days. See, after Roman confessed there was a ridiculously bright light that shone from every petal he had coughed up it stayed lit for exactly fifteen seconds before going out. If you were around the light you would describe it as the same brightness that happens when someone, say you're mother, comes to wake you up for school and turns on the light. Or when you shine your flashlight in your eyes.Or maybe even the brightness that comes when you turn your phone on first thing in the morning or in the middle of the night. That's the brightness. Now imagine that at a constant for the next 15 seconds. That's how it was. Well I think it's time to get back to the story.

Roman and Patton were in the hospital room with Virgil. Arie was downstairs with getting lunch for everyone and Kendra was at home taking a shower. Both women were extremely beautiful and everyone could tell they were the parents of the young boy. They had come home early when their sergeant heard that their son was in the hospital, dying. The first thing they did when they got off the plane? They ran four miles to the hospital in order to see their littleboy. Upon seeing his condition Kendra broke into tears and collapsed onto Arie, who surprised everyone by holding her up and eventually picking her up Bridal-style. The rest of the time they took turns doing certain tasks while the other stayed with Virgil.

Virgil had woken up twice since they had been back. The first time was to cough up the remnants of the flowers, blood, and buds stuck in his lungs that, as soon as they touched the ground also shone and once the brightness went out all the petals were on the ground by him and it made a blanket when covering the floor. When someone later had come to clean then up they found out it, indeed, became a blanket.

The second time he was up for about 15 minutes and had talked with his moms until he fell asleep. He hasn't woken up since. It's been three days and his parents were worried. This was taking way too long. So the author has decided to wake him up in the simplest way possible.

Patton pulled out his phone and started to play music. The music being an instrumental version of My Chemical Romance's 'Welcome to the Black Parade'.

"When I was a young boy," A very hoarse voice sang, "my father took me into the city."

Patton and Roman sang with the voice, thinking that it was the other who sang before.

"To see a marching band," Patton and Roman looked at each other smiling lightly, "He said 'Son when you grown up will you be the savior of the broken, the beaten, and the damned?'"

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