Chapter 8

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Chapter 8:

Valerie and six doctors were around Virgil's bed when Dev busted in. Everyone stared at him for a minute before he turned around in confusion and then walked back out. He came back a second later dragging Roman behind him. Romans face was flushed with embarrassment. "Now repeat what you just said," Dev said in a slow voice.

Roman mumbled something under his breath. All eyes are currently on him. He cleared his throat and tried to start again but was cut off by a loud coughing and a long beep. The doctors all started to rush towards Virgil.

"I'm fine," Virgil gasped between coughs, "Just need air."

"Virgil are you okay," Roman asked rushing to his side, "Okay breathe. I got you."

Roman patted Virgil's back until Virgil was able to cough up all the blood, petals, buds, and another flower. Finally Virgil finished coughing he layed back and squeezed his eyes shut.

"This sucks" he chuckled wiping his mouth.

"I think it's time for everyone to leave." The doctor said.

"But-" Dev tried to cut in. He looked between everyone

"I'll call you later." Roman sighed patting Virgil on the head and walking out, dragging Dev by the hand.

"I knew he wouldn't like me back," Virgil coughed, "He's dating-"

"Virgil i swear to all things involving disney if you don't stop talking like that i will smack you. If you can't tell that boy likes you."

"No he doesn't. He probably likes someone else. If he even is gay. Is he gay? I know everyone talks about their gay-dar acting up around him nut he never confirms or denys it. IT's honestly just so agitating." Virgil complained his voice hoarse.

"Well then tell him how you feel"

"I can't"

"Why not?"

"How do you tell your best friend that you're in love with their brother? This isn't some chick-flick where the girl always gets the guy. Or in this case the guy gets the guy."

"If lies keep spewing from your lips then i'm going to walk out that door. You deserve better than this. You may not realize this but you are an amazing human being. I just," Valerie sighed and shook her head, "I have a surprise for you tomorrow. But the doctors said because of your condition they are not allowing you to leave the hospital."

"What am I getting?" Virgil asked with a smirk.

"Sleep child," Valerie replied as she picked up her stuff.

"What am I getting?"

"Did I not just tell you to sleep? Go the heck to sleep." Valerie said smiling

"Nah," Virgil chuckled flicking his hand and laying back his cast catching on the little bar and hissing slightly.

"Don't nah me i feed you." Valerie giggled.


"Child go to sleep or I shall feed you to the monster in your head."

"Oh no i'm so scared."

"Just go to sleep already."

"Fine," Virgil sighed, "Go get me my surprise."

"It will be here tomorrow," Valerie said "For now rest. Do you want one of your friends in here while I got home and take a shower?"

"No i'll be fine." Virgil whispered already droaning off, or trying to at least.

"Okay night my anxious little baby," Valerie whispered, "sleep dreams and sweet."

Valerie left quietly and Virgil groaned. His chest was causing him pain but he refused to acknowledge it until he could take more medicine. He faced the door and thought about what life would be like if he could just not have these feelings. He probably wouldn't have started to talk to Patton and Logan. Dev probably wouldn't have been so nice to Virgil. Valerie wouldn't have missed so much work. That car wouldn't have hit that lady. Roman would probably get along with Remus better. That little girl would have a mother. The nurses would have been able to save someone else's life.

"Roman get in here." a voice whispered causing Virgil to groan and turn on his other side. He had to move his cast out from under him. Why did people have to come in when he just wanted to think too much. Especially the people he wanted to see the least right now.

"I can't." Roman said from outside the door.

"Why not?" Dev asked in a mother-like tone

"He's asleep. Now why do I have to say this around him? I've already told you guys like six times." Roman complained, "Honestly es completamente vergonzoso. Además, no es como si él pudiera oírme."

"Because I said so. Now get in here before I have to bring you to him myself. Be the princely prince you are."

Roman sighed and walked in. Dev rolled his eyes and pulled Roman up to the bed and pushed him down so he had to sit down. Virgil coughed slightly and shifted over a little so Roman had more room to sit. Roman, unconsciously, smiled and moved his hand to wipe the hair out of Virgil's eyes before putting it back down.

"Now say it," Dev said, "Hurry up we haven't got all day."

"¿Seriamente? De todos modos, ¿Cómo empiezo? Virgil es increíble y me preocupo mucho por él. El es maravilloso. Sus ojos son absolutamente hermosos y me ponen celosa. ¿Cómo es posible tener dos colores de ojos diferentes en un ojo? Él no sonríe mucho, pero cuando lo hace es absolutamente gorgeous. Él ilumina toda la habitación. Y pepitas santas-" Roman was cut off by a gagging noise.

Virgil tried to sit up but he couldn't and he started crying. His cast was caught in the blanket and he struggled to get it out. Then something happened. He started throwing up. Throwing up flowers. Full on red colored flowers covered in blood and petals and leaves and Roman screamed. Dev cried out, as he had to pull Roman back, for a nurse but it seemed like no one was coming so he started screaming louder. All the sudden noise made Virgil upset which caused him to freak more and made the process repeat itself until a nurse ran in. She started freaking out calling for doctors and all in all it was a huge mess. Eventually Virgil stopped puking and ended up unconscious, covered in blood and petals, and surrounded by the gang, nurses, and doctors.

"We have to get him to surgery or he will die." One of the nurses whispered, the one from a couple days ago in fact.

"He didn't sign the paper and refused to let anyone else do it. We can't," The head doctor stated shaking his head.

"So you are going to let him die?" Logan asked.

"They're going to have to," Dev whispered covering his face and sobbing. Everyone except for Roman and the doctor went to hug the poor boy. They all knew his sister and what happened by now.

"You can't let him die!" Roman sobbed, "You just can't i haven't told him. I have to tell him. I need to tell him."

"Tell him what," Remus asked voice hoarse.

"Tell him I love him." Roman sobbed dropping to the ground and covering his face. 

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