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This is a part of the "about us" page on me and my friend's Christian blog, "Finding Your Way In Christ." This part my bio, and the succeding part is the bio for Hannah, my epic co-author. (and close friend)

My bio was last updated sometime September-ish of this year, [2012] and Hannah's anywhere from July to now. xD But anyway, I hope you'll take time to read these; and that what we've written can help you in your Walk with God. God bless. :]

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I would be the one they call Langston. I'm a blessed American teen trying to stand out and live for Christ. I like to write, play guitar, draw, listen to music, and just anything that involves God.

My name is actually old English, it comes from the word "Long stone." Which fits me, because I'm 15 and already 6ft tall. My name has biblical importance too. All throughout the Old Testament, people have made these huge memorials in places where they experienced God. One example of this is in Exodus 17:15, where Moses built an altar an called it "The Lord is my Banner." When Moses did this, he would have used a massive rock, or "long stone" to create the altar. The purpose of the stone, would be to point to God. Anyone who gazed upon the freaking 10 ft tall rock, would know that the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob had been there. It indicated God's presence. It was a testimony to the One who is Always Present and what he has done.

That is the meaning of my name; the massive rock that testified about the true and living God. The object that when people looked upon it, they saw a fraction of the God they've heard so much about.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or trying to boast, because I'm not. I have my own issues, my own weaknesses and areas where I need God's help. We all do. The only difference between a Christian and a lost person is whether we acknowledge it or not. I can honestly say I'd be nothing without God. He ignited this fire inside me burning for him. I had nothing to do with it. I mean, I always respected God and tried my best to do what he said. Being raised in a Christian household, I was open about being a Christian and didn't really try to hide my faith. But my world was more me-centered than Christ-centered. I put me before God, but my own needs above what he said.

But he changed all that. Over the past eight or nine months I've been growing more and more in him than ever before. He's opened my eyes to new things, showed me new paths, allowed me to see what it really means to follow him. He baptized me with his Spirit and now I'm just on fire for him. It's all God all the time. It still amazes me what he can do with someone who's willing to lay down their life to follow him. God is so big and just so amazing that we can't comprehend it. Remembering all that God is doing is like a ray of sunshine, breaking through a darkened room. It let's me seem and it gives me life.

I know I'm supposed to be telling you about me, but honestly I'd rather tell you about my God. It shatters my brain to try to understand it all, to understand him fully. He looked down on me, with all my selfishness and ignorance, and still pursued me. He has made me the young man of God I am today, and is making me into the servant of Christ that he wants me to be tommorow. God is an awesome God. If you want proof, just look at me and what he's done.

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